As China's hotel industry continues to grow, it is important to develop an understanding of how the academic research in this area evolves. The purpose of this paper is to systematically review and analyse the English language academic literature related to hotel research in China. A modest ...
Free Essay: Excalibur Hotel and Casino Las Vegas Excalibur Review Las Vegas, Nevada otherwise known as home to the famous "Sin City" has many attractions and...
Under the profound and clever influence of regional culture, the hotel has formed a unique and distinctive hotel, guiding the growth of the Chinese hotel industry. This article analyzes the design methods of regional cultural themed hotels, elaborates on some problems in the current design of ...
Consent to participate Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants of the study. Consent for publication The authors listed have consented to the paper before submission, involving the order of authors and the names. Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.Additio...
(2012). Green Action as a Luxury Strategy in the Field of Cosmetics, Departmental Bulletin Paper, 48, Graduate School of Commerce Waseda University, 1-17. Retrieved April 2015 from: EconomicStudies_48_Nagasawa.pdf...
The following paper provides both evidence on how leadership styles affect the success of international hotel operations as well as templates on how to measure both leadership styles and subsequent impacts on hotel operations. The final paper includes a longitudinal case study of management performance ...
This paper analyzes the scientific research on brand equity published over the last three decades, based on data from the Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus databases. The research objective is to identify both the predominant and the emerging themes related to this topic. This study takes a bibl...
Although the origin of franchising mode is early, there is no clear law and regulation of hotel franchising in China. Therefore, the paper has launched the related discussion on the question of this mode.supports all the CNKI file formats;only supports the PDF format....
In this paper, we examine the origins and evolution of and main influences on research on within- and between-firm relationships among directors and execut
When employees feel betrayed: The mediating role of psychological contract violation on nepotism and workplace commitment in the hotel industry 2023, International Journal of Hospitality Management Citation Excerpt : Taking support from prior literature, the present study endeavors to address the aforementio...