强大的学术文献research引擎 1、//scholar.google.com/ 虽然还是Beta版,但个人已觉得现在已经是很好很强大了,Google学术搜索滤掉了普通搜索结果中大量的垃圾信息,排列出文章的不同版本以及被其它文章的引用次数。略显不足的是,它搜索出来的结果没有按照权威度(譬如影响因子、引用次数)依次排列,在中国搜索出来的,前几...
先去Google Scholar或图书馆数据库初步查查资源! 2️⃣初步阅读:打基础,做记录 ·阅读入门资料:从百科、课堂讲义、综述文章入手,快速了解背景。 ·记录关键信息: o 记录作者、标题、出版年份、页码等完整信息(提前按MLA/APA格式来)。 o标清楚哪些是直接引用,哪些是你总结的观点,避免后期混淆! 工具推荐: ·索引...
journal articles, dissertations, and abstracts from a variety of areas. So, if you’re in urgent need of reciting reliable sources in a research paper, learning how to use Google Scholar can go a long way. Let’
The research we do today becomes the Google of the future. Google itself began with a research paper, published in 1998, and was the foundation of Google Search. Our ongoing research over the past 25 years has transformed not only the company, but how people are able to interact with the...
最好集中精力寻找尽可能多的有效主要来源。一个很好的起点是您学校的图书馆和官方政府网站。此外,您还可以使用 Google Scholar 之类的学术期刊来获益。就像图书馆一样,学术期刊也将帮助您找到可靠的主要来源。 浏览并缩减您的Reference 随着您对研究的深入研究,您会遇到大量的资源和信息。几乎不可能完整阅读与您的主题...
Research is at the heart of any good paper. To gather reliable sources, follow these steps: Use academic databases like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or university libraries. Ensure your sources are peer-reviewed and up-to-date. Take detailed notes on your sources and properly track citations. Tip:...
Based on the research paper ideas, you need to make sure that there is ample research resource available at your disposal. You can use Google Scholar and read some of the relevant research articles, books, scholarly sources, and even research journals. ...
Google Scholar. Remember to check public and university libraries, read business press releases related to your subject, or check governmental agencies as you write. You can also talk to people by hosting interviews for the primary sources. Always document your sources, and do not use anything wi...
Google Scholar 谷歌学术搜索 Online encyclopedias, almanacs, and databases 在线百科,年鉴和数据库 Books and periodicals 书籍和期刊 Newspapers报刊 Government publications, guides, and reports 政府出版物、工作指南和报告 Tips: 当你整理搜索的资料时,一定要记笔记。通过记录参考资料,在之后写论文时就可以引用它们...
In the last 16 years, more than 200 research articles were published about research-paper recommender systems. We reviewed these articles and pres