SamplePaper format for International Journal for Research in Technological StudiesThis document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings of an IEEE conference. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published...
The study presented in this paper seeks to fill this gap. The overall aim of this study is to formulate a roadmap and research agenda to realise the potential of AR and VR for the AEC sectors. The specific objectives are: The next section presents the methodology used in this study. ...
If you find these datasets useful in your research, please cite the following paper: >@inproceedings{rozemberczki2019gemsec, title={GEMSEC: Graph Embedding with Self Clustering}, author={Rozemberczki, Benedek and Davies, Ryan and Sarkar, Rik and Sutton, Charles}, booktitle={Proceedings of the...
A paper title and abstract are added (optionally generated by ChatGPT, if you provide an API key), and the entire paper is compiled with the IEEELATEXtemplate for added realism. Install First, install the dependencies (oruse Docker):
2024年,电子纸在智慧零售领域的应用持续扩大,电子价签市场需求稳定增长,据ePaper Insight最新数据统计,全球电子价签出货量达到约3.7亿台,近六年年复合增长率约为37%。随着零售行业数字化转型的推进,电子价签正逐步取代传统纸质价签,成为零售门店高效管理的重要工具。
Best Paper Award! SIGIR 2017, Tokyo, Japan, 7-11 August 2017. [ Paper ] Exploiting Heterogeneity for Tail Latency and Energy Efficiency. The 50th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture. MICRO 2017, Boston, MA, USA, Oct 14 – 18, 2017. ...
Such problems may exist only temporarily, as Szulanski and Jensen (2006) might argue that eventually, the R&D unit will turn to a deeper level of learning to address the necessary adaptations needed to turn the existing template into a truly innovative product. CONCLUSION This paper uncovered an...
X. R. Wang, R. Chen, B. H. Song, J. Yang, Z. W. Jiang, X. Q. Zhang, X. M. Li, S. Q. Ao. A method for extracting unstructured threat intelligence based on dictionary template and reinforcement learning. InProceedings of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported ...
journal={IEEE Access}, volume={7}, pages={20050--20059}, year={2019}, publisher={IEEE} } paper linkclick A Space-time Dimension User Preference Calculation Method for Recommendation in Social network, (EI) Abstract: Under the background of the Mobile Internet Age, location service has been...
GLOBECOM is the IEEE Communications Society’s flagship conference dedicated to driving innovation in nearly every aspect of communications. Each year, more than 3000 scientific researchers from academia and industry participate in a mutual exchange of new communication technologies. The paper...