How do I Write a Research Paper Summary? What is a Secondary Resource? Discussion Comments ByPippinwhite— On Jan 26, 2014 Research papers are the bane of every student's existence. They take up a great deal of time and seem to be a useless exercise while the student is involved in doi...
Our team of writers has a deep understanding of the law and can help you with research on various legal topics such as criminal law, civil law, contract law, and more. We guarantee that an expert will write the paper in the field, which will be informative, accurate, and up-to-date....
Astronomy Chemistry Civil Engineering Computational Sciences Earth & Environment Electrical & Electronic Engineering Materials Mathematical & Computational Engineering applications Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Physics Statistics Protocols & Methods Research Data Sustainability Help and Support How do I cre...
《国际路面研究与技术杂志》(International Journal Of Pavement Research And Technology)是一本以Engineering-Civil and Structural Engineering综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Springer Nature出版商刊期6 issues per year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦Engineering-Civil and Structural Engineering领域的...
查看更多征稿主题 论文出版 (一)会议论文集 ①. 本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核后,最终所录用的论文将择优由斯普林格Springer-Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (ISSN: 2366-2557)出版,并提交至EI Compendex , Scopus检索。Springer是全球最有影响的科技出版社之一,LNCE刊物检索...
Engineering Research Paper Topics Evaluating the Impact of Sustainable Engineering Practices on Urban Infrastructure Analyzing the Efficiency of Renewable Energy Technologies in Reducing Carbon Emissions Investigating Advanced Materials for Enhancing Structural Integrity in Civil Engineering ...
主要研究方向工程技术-ENGINEERING, CIVIL工程:土木;WATER RESOURCES水资源 JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH《水力学研究杂志》(双月刊). The Journal of Hydraulic Research (JHR) is the flagship journal of the International Assoc...[显示全部] 给编辑部投稿-->官网投稿 ...
hi, i am working on new paper about saline water intrusion monitoring using SP potential geophysical method, can you tell me please, if this is the scope of your journal? Reply MMelanie Ortiz 2 years ago Dear Meryem,Thank you for contacting us.We are sorry to tell you that SCImago Journ...
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: · Materials of Civil Engineering · Structural Seismic Resistance · Engineering Structure · Monitoring and Testing For details, please click here. Submission Please submit your full paper/abstract to us via the Electronic Submi...
This paper focused on applying social network analysis techniques to co-authorship network in order to discover the influencers in Civil engineering research field in Nigeria. It further applies the Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) algorithm to uncover the major research topics in this field. The ...