近代中国妇女史研究(Research on Women in Modern Chinese History).第14期「性别与职业」专号 客家研究.第1卷第2 …ccs.ncl.edu.tw|基于14个网页 2. 近代中国妇女研究 中央研究院近代史研究所主编《近代中国妇女研究》(Research on Women in Modern Chinese History), 第4期,页87-133 …www.ncu.edu.tw|基...
Leutner, MechthildResearch on Women in Modern Chinese History / Jindai Zhongguo Funu Shi Yanjiu
From Tradition to Innovation: How Modern Technologies are Transforming the Potential of Wood September 21, 2023 In’Cube Danone Research & Innovation Center / Arte Charpentier. Image © Christophe Valtin Wood, one of the oldest building materials, has been continuously reinvented throughout history....
1)research on modern history of China中国近代史研究 英文短句/例句 1.A preliminary Approach to Hiotoriography in the Cultural Revolution;“文革史学”初探——以中国近代史研究为例 2.On the study of modern Chinese history in 1920s CHU Zhu-wu;论20世纪20年代的中国近代史研究 3.Review of the Res...
According to a new PewResearchCenter survey on women and leadership, most Americans find women indistinguishable from men on key leadership traits such as intelligence and capacity for innovation, with many saying they're stronger than men in terms of b ...
The modern architectural history research in China(from 1940s up to now)can be divided into there stages:the initial period,the start period and the developing period.And in accordance with Chinese modern architectural features,it can be divided into four categories:inheritance type,influence type,...
Modern Guangxi is not only a historic miniature of the changing times and social transformation,but also had a profound impact on the development process of Chinese modern history and the necessity to enlarge the research field of the modern history in Guangxi province. With the integral history ...
as well as various kinds of biographies of musicians,collections of music works,commemorative articles and historical documents on modem and contemporary music, etc.All of these have formed the colourful panorama of modern and contemporary Chinese music history research in the 30 years since the ...
Hercules was worshiped by the ancient Greeks and Romans, while Sun is worshiped as the “Great Sage Equaling Heaven” in modern Chinese folk religion. It’s interesting to note that both deities are are believed to ward off evil. II. Possible antecedents Scholars have previously noted how ...
Since the reform and opening-up,the research of Chinese modern rural social economic history has accomplished remarkable achievements.Concerning the problems of agrarian relations,tenancy relationship,agricultural management operation,household handicrafts,rural finance,properties of the rural social economic,etc...