A Response to the Question: Should we Fund Research on Psychological Safety?doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2021.04.001Mary K FeyKate J MorseAmy L. DanielsJenny RudolphClinical Simulation in Nursing
select article Effects of two types of exercise training on psychological well-being, sleep and physical fitness in patients with high-grade glioma (WHO III and IV) Research articleOpen access Effects of two types of exercise training on psychological well-being, sleep and physical fitness in pati...
This study was aimed to describe the experiences (physical, psychological, social and spiritual)of the family of the patients who are admitted in ICU.Methods: This study was a qualitative research thus; the method was based on ... J Maghsoudi,F Soltani,S Pahlavanzade,... - 《Iranian Journa...
(Westin 1968). The latter, personal matters, being of major importance for this thesis. Privacy demands are made by every individual on a daily basis because the person strives for an inner-psychological balance between private sphere, communication and the urge for disclosure. It should be ...
Policy statements on penile circumcision have focused primarily on disease, dysfunction, or sensation, with relatively little consideration of psychological and psychosocial implications of the procedure. There has also been minimal consideration of pote
关键词:人因工程;安全心理;疏散时间模型中图分类号:X928.03 文献标志码:A doi:10.11731/j.issn.1673 193x.2014.06.003ResearchonmodelofhumanevacuationtimebasedonsafetypsychologyperspectiveofhumanfactorsCHENWei ke1,2,CHENHong1(1.DepartmentofManagement,TianjinUniversityofTechnology,Tianjin300384,China;2.Facultyof...
Psychologicalresearchshows we consistently underestimate our mental powers. 出自-2017年6月听力原文 The president's stimulus package is pumping money intoresearchto compare how well various treatments work. 出自-2016年6月阅读原文 My ownresearchat the Stanford Center on Adolescence uses in-depth interviews...
The following sections shed light on the safety tips when playing basketball. BE SELF-AWARE: Taking precautions when you’re not feeling quite right is perhaps the most important safety rule while playing basketball. Most players worsen their injuries by working through pain, and this should be ...
Large studies have demonstrated the safety of HPV vaccination, but parental safety concerns—including potential impact on future fertility—are often cited as one reason for lower HPV coverage. Rates of HPV vaccination have lagged behind coverage rates for other recommended adolescent vaccinations, such...
26 introduced a classic approach based on cumulative prospect theory, offering an optional method to elucidate researchers’ psychological behaviors. Their study demonstrated the enhanced rationality achieved by utilizing the entropy weight method to derive attribute weight information under Pythagorean fuzzy ...