The definition of chronic lymphedema was based on the criteria provided by the international society of lymphology, which specifies an inter-limb volume difference of > 10% or excess volume persisting for more than 3 months [36]. Average arm circumferences To visualize and evaluate the absolu...
Understanding the complex interactions between diet, the gut microbiota, and angiogenesis has the potential to uncover novel therapeutic targets for managing these conditions. Therefore, interventions targeting the gut microbiota and its metabolites, such as through fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) and...
Compression for lower extremity venous disease and lymphedema (CLEVDAL): update of the VLU algorithm J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs, 49 (4) (2022), pp. 331-346 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 6 A.N. Nicolaides The most severe stage of chronic venous disease: an update on the manage...
playing a role in cerebral vascular development, diabetic wound healing, refractory secondary lymphedema and physiological angiogenesis during pregnancy [195]. H2S promotes the formation of tumor blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and affects tumor metastasis by activating various signaling pathways [196,19...
Hayes SC, Janda M, Cornish B, Battistutta D, Newman B (2008) Lymphedema after breast cancer: Incidence, risk factors, and effect on upper body function. J Clin Oncol 26(21): 3536–3542 62) Helgeson VS, Tomich PL (2005) Surviving Cancer: A comparison of 5-year disease-free breast ...
The content on the next page of the menu is tailored to the selection made by each visitor, providing them with a personally composed information package (e.g. merely providing information on fatigue, weight gain and lymphedema), as illustrated by Figure 1. Another unique feature of the ...
The condition is commonly seen at birth or early childhood and appears with a PWS, which is present in 98% of patients [85,86]. Varicose veins are seen more frequently during adolescence and can involve both the deep and superficial venous plexuses; these can be complicated by lymphedema, ...
···科科科科研研研研综综综综述述述述··· 乳腺癌病人症状群研究现状 1 ) Researchstatus q uoofs y m p tomclustersofbreastcancer p atients 卜庆云,张 静 BuQingyun , ZhangJing ( AffiliatedFirstHospitalofHarbinMedicalUniversity , Heilongjiang150000China ) 摘要:阐述了症状群的概念及症状 群的评估...
Our 23-page survey, containing 147 items, was developed to broadly assess patient levels of concern and satisfaction with various aspects relating to their BC diagnosis. We used REDCap, a secure web application for developing and managing online surveys and databases, specifically tailored to support...
After surgery, breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a frequent chronic condition. The complex decongestive therapy (CDT) delivered by physiotherapists at hospitals is the state-of-the-art treatment choice. As lymphedema requires continuous management, we designed a 1-month-long course to tra...