Research on Humanities and Social SciencesIISTE
系统标签: humanities hero issn sciences social heroism ResearchonHumanitiesandSocialSciencesISSN2222-1719(Paper)ISSN2222-2863(Online)Vol2,No.10,2012FromGracetoGrass:TheMetamorphicComplexityDepartmentofEnglishandLiteraryStudiesABSTRACTTheconceptoftheheroicpersonalityhasundergonedrasticchangesovertheages.Fromtheancient...
期刊名称:《Research on Humanities and Social Sciences》 | 2011年第2期 4.Infertile Couples in the Family Context: Variation Across Setting 机译:家庭背景下的不育夫妇:各地差异 作者:Baru Anamika 期刊名称:《Research on Humanities and Social Sciences》 | 2011年第1期 5.Improving Accuracy in Inte...
投稿链接:Humanities and Social Science Research (HSSR) Journal Name:Humanities and Social Science Research (HSSR) ISSN: 2576-3024; E-ISSN 2576-3032 Review Period: Three Working Days Publishing Time…
Vertical and horizontal (mis)match of university degrees in the Hungarian labour market Zsuzsanna Kiss ArticleOpen Access20 Dec 2024 Previouspage page1 page2 page3 … page194 Nextpage Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun)ISSN2662-9992(online)...
Integrating Full-Text Search and Linguistic Analyses on Disperse Data for Humanities and Social Sciences Research Projects The research reported in this paper is part of the activities carried out within the CLARIN (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure) proje......
ideas, the state of the art research results and fundamental advances in all aspects of Humanities and Social Sciences.IJLRHSSis a open access, peer reviewed journal with a primary objective to provide the academic community and industry for the submission of half of original research and ...
官方征稿:Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities(JRSSH)ISSN:2709-1910,谷歌学术+doi,官方录用通知 杂志简介:《社会科学和人文科学研究杂志》( ISSN: 2709-1910)是一份国际期刊,具有国际性的、跨文化的杂志特点,用于发表人类社会科学的研究论文。我们的目标是鼓励并向社会科学的研究人员、哲学家、学...
NCE & HUMANITIES]]>This paper is a small representation of various types of case studies handled by the counselor in her professional life over the years. The objective of the paper is to elaborate the crucial role played by both parents and the school in enabling developing of a healthy ...