Illegality in the informal labour market: findings from pilot research on child labour in IstanbulChildren consist of one-third of the population of Turkey that has the second highest level of child poverty among the OECD countries. Child labour is widely observed, especially in the poor families...
Methods that examine finger and hand prints are still rarely used in the analysis of archaeological artefacts, even though objects made from clay have perfectly preserved traces of their creators, left hundreds or even thousands of years ago. Information coded in these prints can be examined by ...
In his unabridged hundred-chapterXinshuo Xiyouji(The Journey to the West, Newly Interpreted) of 1749, Zhang Shushen declared in the section entitled “Xiyoujizongpi 西游記總批 (Overall Comments onThe Journey to the West)” that “the bookXiyouhas been designated by the ancients as a book meant...
and JP21wm0425019 to YS), by Grants-in Aid from the Research Committee of CNS Degenerative Diseases, Research on Policy Planning and Evaluation for Rare and Intractable Diseases, Health, Labour and Welfare Sciences Research Grants, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan (grant number...
The “traditional view” on the historical decline of child labour has emphasised the role of the approval of effective child labour (minimum working age) laws. Since then, the importance of alternative key driving factors such as schooling, demography, household income or technology has been highl...
On the other hand, the scarcity hypothesis suggests that women, more so than men, experience tremendous work/family stress, and it has been used to highlight the need to systemically transform male-dominated structures. In examining the functions that these hypotheses serve, their utility and ...
However, SII covers only those in dependent employment or those who offer full-time or part-time personal labour on commissioned work agree- ments and are not insured with any other insurance agency (i.e. about 50% of the Greek population) [7]. What is more, the health units of SII ...
摘要: In the framework of the so-called "sharing economy", the number of on-demand companies matching labour supply and demand is on the rise. These schemes may enlar关键词: sharing economy crowd-work crowdsourcing on-demand economy human computation Amazon Mechanical Turk Uber TaskRabbit digital...
AbstractforThe effect of a sibling on the first-born child’s health: evidence from two-child families in China | Full Text | References | PDF (1.3 MB) | EPUB 2169 Views 2 CrossRef citations 0Altmetric Open Access Article Military industry bubbles: are they crowding out utility investments...
(2018). Therefore, in order to gauge the position of men and women in the labour market, the perspective of gender gap should be extended to other dimensions of working conditions.Footnote 2 This paper adopts a broader approach to the gender gap by focusing on the relative position of men ...