Key principles for accomplishing these goals for 21st-century learning include organizing teaching with the learner at the center; tailoring objectives, approaches, content, pace, and tools to optimize outcomes for each student; giving students ownership of their learning, characterized by more self-...
On the Influence of the Number of Objectives on the Hardness of a Multiobjective Optimization Problem In this paper, we study the influence of the number of objectives of a continuous multiobjective optimization problem on its hardness for evolution strateg... O Schutze,A Lara,CAC Coello - 《...
Men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM) carry a disproportionate burden of sexually transmitted infections across Europe. Health planners require sexual health needs assessment data to respond appropriately. In addition, surveillance of risk and precaution behaviours in this population enables evaluative judgements...
inFiveLanguages: 1.English 2.Spanish 3.Mandarin 4.Vietnamese 5.Tagalog KeyDemographicQuestionsincluded: Numberofyearsofdrivingexperience Numberandtypesofvehiclesownedorleased Numberofmilesdriveneachyear Highestlevelofeducationcompleted Annualhouseholdincome ...
conductedinfivelanguages Telephonesurveyinfivelanguages LiteratureReviewObjectives Providebackgroundknowledgetotheresearchteamregarding priorresearch. Identifytopicsandissuesthatshouldbeaddressedinthefocus groupsandtelephonesurvey. Aidinthedevelopmentoffocusgroupandsurveyquestions. Findinformationthatmaybeusefulinthe...
In preparation for the group interviews, the bilingual assistants received 2.5 h of training, mostly in person, which covered the following topics: presentation of the project, research team, and objectives; the role of the assistant in group interviews; some general characteristics about SLIFE, in...