ppt课件-research methodology(研究方法).ppt,Project Management Making presentations. Research Methodology Making presentations. OUTLINE Introduction Making presentations, Put your audience first! Speaking style, Time keeping Using notes, Composure Pract
Research methodology Researchmethodology 1 a oncampus.global Learningobjectives Bytheendofthelessonyoushouldbeableto:Understandresearchstrategiesanddesign Describethedifferencebetweenprimaryandsecondaryresearchanddiscusstheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofeach Discussthevariousmethodsavailableforcollectingresearchdata Explainthe...
Provide citations when appropriate Suggested report structure Chapter 3: Research Methodology Types of information that you needed Ways you collected information Secondary sources (reports, other data) Primary sources (surveys, interviews, etc ...) Description of data Sample, response rates How you ana...
Slide5.3 Theresearchonion Saunders,DoingResearchinBusinessandManagementPowerPointsontheWeb,1stEdition?MarkN.K.Saunders2012 Slide5.4 Theactionresearchspiral Saunders,DoingResearchinBusinessandManagementPowerPointsontheWeb,1stEdition?MarkN.K.Saunders2012 PrimaryresearchorFieldresearch Primaryresearchinvolvesgetting...
An Overview of Experimental Research MethodologyOverview, AnSlide, P PGrammar, Universal
Full size|PPT slide 2 表面活性剂作用机制 表面活性剂在纳米制剂中起载药、增加药物溶解度、促乳化、提高制剂跨膜通透性、提高药物稳定性和生物利用度等作用。纳米制剂中几种常用的表面活性剂结构式见图3。 Fig.3 Commonly used surfactants in nano-formulations ...
DGM07: Research Methodology SESSION 1 April 2, 2011 Dr. Naseem Abidi 1-2 Business research provides information to guide business decisions The primary purpose of research is to reduce the level of risk of a business decision A process of determining, acquiring, analyzing, synthesizing, and disse...
Explain the research methodology, including the data collection methods and analysis techniques. Discuss any ethical considerations and the steps you will take to ensure the ethical conduct of your research. Step 6Rearrange or add additional slides to the template to accommodate the sections and i...
Volume: 15, P: 8114 Self-supervised learning reveals clinically relevant histomorphological patterns for therapeutic strategies in colon cancer Histomorphological phenotype clustering (HPC) is a self-supervised machine learning methodology enabling automatic feature extraction from whole slide images (WSI) in...
5. Methodology and data collection (1-2 slides) This slide of your research paper PowerPoint has to explain the research design, methods, and procedures. It must also Include details about participants, materials, and data collection and emphasize special equipment you have used in your work. ...