Methodologyvs.Methods •“Methodologyreferstothetheoreticalparadigmorframeworkinwhichthestudentisworking;tothestanceheorsheistakingasaresearcher(e.g.choosingaquantitativeorqualitativeparadigm)andtheargumentthatisbuiltinthetexttojustifytheseassumptions,theoreticalframeworksand/orapproachesaswellasthechoiceofresearchquestions...
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY pptresearch methodology in powerpoint
ppt课件-research methodology(研究方法).ppt,Project Management Making presentations. Research Methodology Making presentations. OUTLINE Introduction Making presentations, Put your audience first! Speaking style, Time keeping Using notes, Composure Pract
01研究方法概论ResearchMethodology.ppt,* * * * * * * * 定量研究与定性研究的比较 定量研究 定性研究 测量行为,了解实际情况,评估效果 对未知信息进行探索,深度挖掘 实验、调查 实地研究 统计分析 文字描述 确定相关关系或因果关系 深入理解社会现象 可测量的统计学置
Research methodology Xiongsuchun 2013-04-26 What’s the research? What’s qualitative approach? What’s quantitative approach? What’s the distinction between them from different angles? Research is a systematic process of enquiry consisting of 3 elements(1) a question, problem or hypothesis (2)...
Suggested report structure Chapter 3: Research Methodology Types of information that you needed Ways you collected information Secondary sources (reports, other data) Primary sources (surveys, interviews, etc ...) Description of data Sample, response rates How you analyzed the information Statistics, ...
Lecture №4 METHODS OF RESEARCH. Method (Greek. methodos) - way of knowledge, the study of natural phenomena and social life. It is also a set of methods. WHAT IS RESEARCH? According to Redman and Morry, Research refers to a search for knowledge Research means a scientific and systematic...
Overview Methods Quantitative,qualitative,mixed-methoddesigns: Whatdoeseachmethodologyentail? Ch.3 Differences Qualitative Expandorunderstanda phenomenon Designstudydrivenby inductionandexploration ratherthanbytheory Includeresearchquestions butnohypotheses Explainprocessesfor coding/categorizingdata Quantitative Understand...
Methodology很重要,却是相对比较容易写的部分,大家可以参考以下内容和结构: 1.Research Design:首先你需要告诉你的读者你的Research Design,你是用Qualitative(Questionnaire),Quantitative(Interview、Focus group etc.)or mixed method?原因是什么? 2. Participants:告诉读者你的数据样本是谁?需要搜集多少数据? 3....
十二 研究内容(Research Question)和研究方法(Methodology)的区别于联系 研究计划(Research Proposal)...