Log in Find a journal Publish with us Track your research Search Cart Home Integrating Immigrants in Europe Chapter Research-Policy Dialogues in AustriaChapter Open Access pp 143–164 Cite this chapter You have full access to this open access chapter ...
Materials science is a rapidly growing area of research in journals tracked by the Nature Index and one where the real-world applications are often an essential part of tackling global environmental and health challenges. This supplement focuses on some of these ...
To log into the instance use the username and password of rstudio and yourpasswordhere. If you are using anaconda and Linux To install this package on Linux and anaconda it is necessary to use a series of commands before the recommendations Install Xorg dependencies for the plot system (on ...
The project was launched on the day of the blog post, and has been running for a hectic 19 days thus far; see my personal log of the project for a day-by-day summary of events. From the perspective of raw implications resolved, the project is (of the time of writing) 99.9963% compl...
For example, when training with the log loss, absent regularization terms, we might see the training loss keep slowly improving until we reach floating point limits as the network weights grow without bound and the predictions of the model on the training set become increasingly confident. In thi...
Building on ourc10measure at the paper level, here we further calculate the averagec10(<c10>) for each author and affiliation, which offers a proxy to individual and institutional level scientific impact. Similarly, we calculate the average logc10(<logc10>), which is closely related to theQpa...
d Volcano plot based on mRNA-seq results shows a comparison of gene levels between the miR-27a-3p mimics and the control 1, with log2FC as the abscissa, −log10 (q-value) as the ordinate, red representing upregulated significantly DEGs, and blue representing downregulated significantly DEGs...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. About this book Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) research has become a recognized and well-defined area of interdisciplinary research. This is the first handbook of its kind that ...
Why this project? Segment Anythingis a strong segmentation model. But it need prompts (like boxes/points) to generate masks. Current Diffusion-based inpainting models support regional editing, we hope to utilize the segmentation model to generate detailed masks for inpainting. ...
Fig. 2: Number of published articles on the PD over time. The number of articles published on the PD 1951–2018 on a log scale, with a fitted exponential line, and a forecast for 2017–2022. Full size image These observations can be confirmed by studying the time series. Using (Jones ...