Human resource management, job satisfaction and employee commitment affecting information technology staff turnover intention: A structural equation model Manistitya, MarrutFongsuwan, Wanno 157-172 Organizational structure and technology acceptance of RFID technology on performance management: A structural equ...
期刊名称:《Research Journal of Business Management》 | 2015年第1期 4.ASEAN and Thai Rubber Industry Labor Mobility Determinants: A Structural Equation Model 机译:东盟和泰国橡胶行业劳动力流动性决定因素:结构方程模型 作者:Preecha Nobnorb;Wanno Fongsuwan 期刊名称:《Research Journal of Business Manageme...
International Academic Research Journal of Business and ManagementMr. Kevin Smith
Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values. CategoryYearQuartile Business and International Management 2010 Q4 Business and International Management 2011 Q1...
The journal aims to encourage information exchange of relevant academic research. It covers a wide range of fields including accounting, finance, taxation, auditing, business research, human resources, management, marketing, economics and related subjects. JBAR invites original manuscripts on theoretical ...
is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing research analysis and inquiry into issues of importance to the business community. Scope of the journal covers: general management, business law, public responsibility and ethics, marketing theory and applications, business finance and investment, general...
运营、旅游等都有涉猎。Journal of Business Research,Asia Pacific Journal of Management,Annals of ...
论文主要发表在IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management,Journal of Business Research,Asia Pacific Journal of Management,Annals of Tourism Research,International Journal of Production Economics,Technological Forecasting and Social Change等期刊。欢迎同行交流合作,欢迎同学报考博士。
The journal publishes research papers in the fields of management, Business, Corporate Governance; Human Resource Management; Marketing & Strategic Management; Financial Management; Information Technology Management; Production & Operations Management, finance, economics, banking, accounting, international busine...
Journal of Management and World Business Research (JOMAWBR) is a double blind peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for academics and practitioners to disseminate scholarly information in the areas of management and world business research (including strategic management and marketing, accounti...