1. bachelor degree or above in biology and pharmacy related majors;2. 3 or more years of relevant work experience for Bachelor's degree and 1 or more years for Master's degree;3. understand cell culture related technology or have related knowledge background, experience in PBMC is preferred;...
(36) R&D director: chemical engineering, chemistry-related majors; (37) R&D Director: New materials and organic major. Cell culture container. (38) International project manager (residing overseas): medicine, biology, pharmacy, immunology; (39) Director of Technology Center: Magnetic materials,...
(2) Applicants’ majors should be in Biology, Basic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmacy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering, Optical Engineering, Electronic Science and Technology...
The application conditions for Postdoctoral research associate/scientists 1) Get or will get a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and other related majors, and expertise in device fabrication, device characterization, material characterization, electromagnetic analysis including antenna de...
(36) R&D director: chemical engineering, chemistry-related majors; (37) R&D Director: New materials and organic major. Cell culture container. (38) International project manager (residing overseas): medicine, biology, pharmacy, immunology; (39) Director of Technology Center: Magnetic materials,...
compliance with Syngenta quality management, IP and HSE guidance 任职资格: Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Plant Molecular Biology, Protein Sciences or Biochemistry or related biology majors In-depth knowledge and technical expertise in molecular biology, protein sciences, biochemistry, in planta ...
Our AI resume builder helps you write a compelling and relevant resume for the jobs you want. Create My Resume With AI Common clinical research coordinator resume skills Patients Informed Consent IRB Data Collection Research Projects Patient Care ...
【CU UCSD】海..如果你是一位 STEM Majors,尤其是Science Majors,那么Lab Experience是你以后在美留学以及在美工作的成功道路上必不可少的因素。无论你将来要上研究生、医学院、还是直接
BIOLOGYSTUDENT recruitmentThere are more STEM jobs than there are qualified graduates to fill these positions, and recruiting students into STEM majors is insufficient. Of students who enter college intending to pursue STEM, nearly half do not finish their STEM degrees....
Side note: Everything that we say about non-CS majors computing education applies to K-12 computing education. We should not assume that K-12 students are being prepared for software development jobs. Not all K-12 students will be CS majors, and there are other uses for programming in othe...