This paper analyses the role of technical-industrial research institutes for industrial innovation in Norway. Using statistical data and a survey among firms, the paper shows that there are many different types of interaction between institutes and firms. In addition to R&D and technical services, ...
RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden Germany Roma Tre University Italy Rome University of International Studies Italy Royal College of Art United Kingdom Royal College of Psychiatrists United Kingdom Royal Holloway, University of London United Kingdom Ruhr-University Bochum Germany Russian Academ... 挪威海事技术研究 所(MARINTEK)的科研主管培尔•马格纳•艾南(Per Magne Einang)先生介绍了液化天然气作为船用燃料的未来前景、技术现状和船舶技术新发展,而挪威海事出口商 协会的执行经理奥尔•赫内斯(Ole Henæs)先生则就合作共赢的议题做了发言。 IOC/NIOMR Pilot training course...
The institutional and noninstitutional services for the mentally retarded in Norway have no formal connection with university or other research institutes. Nevertheless, most of the research papers have been submitted from such institutes. Most of the reports traced are in the fields of basic ...
In addition to Trallfa and Oglnd, the development of robot systems is done by different research institutes such as the Center for Industrial Research (SI), SINTEF and the Rogaland Research Center (RF). These institutes do research work both for the robot manufacturers and directly for end ...
Phase 2 - Silent Idea Generation: Participants were asked to write down their ideas independently and silently in response to the prompt of: Identify themes and research questions within the field of Food Security and Sustainability to which coordinated public-private collaborative research can make a...
In addition, CSSRC has established close academic exchange and technical cooperation relations with nearly 100 colleges and universities, research institutes and academic groups in the United States, Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands and Norway. CSSRC is one of the first batch... [...] for Refugees, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, located in Turin, Italy. 该司还向联合国难民事务高级专员办事处和联合国环境规划署等 其他联合国实体设在维也纳国际中心的办公室...
摘要: Institute of Marine Research and###Directorate of FisheriesTasks and responsibilities in###NorwayThe Institute of Marine Research###(IMR) and Directorate of Fisheries (DoF) are the main institutions###for fisheries research and management in Norway respec...收藏 引用...
IRISInternet Router in Space IRISInternational Research Institutes IRISInfrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems IRISIntegrated Research Information System IRISInterior Redesign Industry Specialist IRISInfinitum Research Interception Squad(gaming) IRISIncident Resource Inventory System(US FEMA) ...