In the last few years the Research Foundation has been distributing annual grants based on applications for the total sum of MEUR 1 for research in medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy and related sciences, such as chemistry and physics. Grants for 2024 Grants for postdoctoral ...
The Ronald Coase Institute will award up to three grants of up to $20,000 USD each to young scholars conducting research on this topic. Proposals should explore how institutions - laws, customs, and norms - either help or h...
With funding up to €60,000, this program supports research on advanced technologies for EU border management. Eligible applicants include academic and non-profit organizations from EU Member States and Schengen Associated Countries. The grants are open to public, private, or public-private non-profi...
An analysis of research grants allocated to researchers by the Smoking Research Foundation funded by Japan Tobacco Inc. in 2018Shiga, RintaroNakagawasai, ShingoHashimoto, EishinCho, InsuSaito, HiroakiOzaki, AkihikoTanimoto, TetsuyaAndo, Shigeaki
AnnaKowalska-Pyzalska, inDiffusion of Innovative Energy Services, 2024 2.3.8Regulatory aspects of GETs AsMacDonald and Eyre (2018)pointed out, the number of countries where green electricity tariffs are available and the number of households purchasing tariffs have increased noticeably in recent decade...
We’re on a quest to innovate and address challenges for business, consumers, and society. As of September 2024, our total number of patent applications published exceeded 82,000, with the number of patent grants exceeding 43,000. Those numbers hold great stories: models that interpret panda ...
Eligible Countries:All students are welcome to apply, whether you are from the UK, EU or overseas. Entrance Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria: The scholarships will be awarded on a competitive basis. Candidates will be assessed based on the following criteria: ...
Research ethics education is critical to developing a culture of responsible conduct of research. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have a high burden of infectious diseases like HIV and malaria; some, like Uganda, have recurring outbreaks. Coupled with the increase in non-communicable di...
Studying for a PhD need not be too costly - many of the cheapest PhD programs have leveraged the online mode of delivery quite successfully. Here's a breakdown of the most common types of PhD funding, alphabetized by category: Assistantships and Grants...
Letter of Intent Due:June 3rd, 2024 Full Proposals Due:July 15th, 2024 Award Period:September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2025 How to Apply: EmailGeralyn.schulz@lsvtglobal.comfor submission instructions. Read all about some of our prior Speech, Physical and Occupational Therapy Student Grant Recipie...