Ever since its launch in November 2004, Google Scholar has become an indispensable search tool amongst students, researchers, and legal practitioners around the globe. Be it for working on their thesis, searching for fellow researchers and their work, or searching for prior art or any other law...
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1、//scholar.google.com/ 虽然还是Beta版,但个人已觉得现在已经是很好很强大了,Google学术搜索滤掉了普通搜索结果中大量的垃圾信息,排列出文章的不同版本以及被其它文章的引用次数。略显不足的是,它搜索出来的结果没有按照权威度(譬如影响因子、引用次数)依次排列,在中国搜索出来的,前几页可能大部分为中文的一些期...
This will open a Google search area in the right sidebar of your document. Optional – Click the triangle under the search window to choose the desired citation format. Click the forward arrow to return to the search results. Use the pull-down arrow to narrow the search results. ...
Use Google Scholar's Advanced Search With some practice, Google Scholar's Advanced Search filters will become your go-to search tool. Click the hamburger menu;Advanced Searchis the second-to-last option. The Advanced Search box gives you nine filters to search with—their functions are self-exp...
GoogleScholarforHSSResearch What'sinit? GoogleScholarincludescitationsfrom: Publishersandvendors. Openaccessjournals. Preprintarchives(e.g.arxiv). GoogleBookSearch. Universityintranets. Bibliographiesofindexedarticles. TheDOIproxyserver(maybe). ...
Google Scholar: The most popular academic search engine, with features like cited by and related articles. Microsoft Academic: A free public web search engine for academic publications and literature. Semantic Scholar: An AI-powered research tool for scientific literature. ...
How to Use Advanced Search in Google Scholar Follow the steps below to see how you can make proper use of the Advanced search feature on Google Scholar: 1. OpenGoogle Scholarand click on thethree dotsat the top left corner of the page. ...
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