Research ethics: beyond the guidelines. Dev World Bioeth 2001; 1(1): 57-68.Macpherson, C. (2001). Research ethics: Beyond the guidelines. Developing World Bioethics 1 (1): 57-68.Macpherson CC, 2001. Ethics committees. Research ethics: beyond the guidelines. Dev World Bioeth 1: 57-68....
GuidelinesPsychological StudiesEthicsResearch MethodologyConfidentialityEthnographyCase StudiesEducational ResearchSocial Science ResearchThat researchers should give anonymity to research sites and to the individuals involved in research is usually taken as an ethical norm. Such a norm is embodied internationally ...
"The use of human genome editing technology in research must be carefully assessed, taking into full consideration its scientific and social value, as well as potential risks," said the guidelines, formulated by the medical ethics subcommittee of the national science and technology ethics committee. ...
摘要: Ethically Responsible Research Ethical guidelines for all types of food research-not only research related to safety-must take into consideration various factors, including levels of risk, the voluntary consent of the participant, and confidentiality - Dialnet...
A global team of legal, scientific and ethics experts have put forward eight key recommendations to establish much needed guidelines for conducting human-genome sequencing research.
Ethical Guidelines for Research with Human Participants July 2003 Guiding Principles Autonomy: respect individual’s right to decide freely whether to participate Beneficence: maximize benefits and minimize harm to participants Justice: access to participation in research studies must be equitable (e.g.,...
1,2,3,4 Compliance with these guidelines helps to ensure the dignity, rights, safety, and well-being of subjects who participate in research. These guidelines also require that an independent ethics review committee perform an ethical and scientific review of biomedical research. Such review ...
INTERNATIONAL ETHICAL GUIDELINES FOR HEALTH-RELATED RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMANS 13 GUIDELINE 5: CHOICE OF CONTROL IN CLINICAL TRIALS As a general rule, the research ethics committee must ensure that research participants in the control group of a trial of a diagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive...
作者: National Committee for Ethics in Social Science Research in Health 摘要: The guidelines presented here provide an ethical framework based on four moral or normative principles and ten principles relevant for ethics in research in India. The ethics are after all arrived at on the basis of ...
The ethics committee is also responsible for regular monitoring of the compliance of the ethical guidelines of the approved protocols, till the same are completed. The Indian Council of Medical Research has laid down special guidelines for clinical trials of drugs and medical devices. There is a ...