A descriptive research design is suitable for exploring certain topics and serving as a prelude to larger quantitative investigations. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the “what” of the group or thing you’re investigating. This research type acts as the cornerstone of other research me...
1 Case Study Research. Design and Methods By Robert K. Yin Summary General characteristics When to use case study method? 1) or “why” 2) little/no possibility to control the events 3) phenomenon in a real-life context Case study is an empirical inquiry, in which: -Focus is...
Research design and methods Following the literature review, restate your mainobjectives. This brings the focus back to your own project. Next, yourresearch designormethodologysection will describe your overall approach, and the practical steps you will take to answer your research questions. ...
Case Study Research. Design and Methods (1994, Second edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage) By Robert K. Yin Summary General characteristics , When to use case study method? 1) The type of research question: typically to answer questions like “how” ...
案例研究设计与方法CaseStudyResearchDesignandMethods.pdf,案例研究设计与方法 Case Study Research Design and Methods Case Study Research. Design and Methods (1994, Second edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage) By Robert K. Yin Summary General characteristics , When
Design and Methods By Robert K. Yin Summary General characteristics When to use case study method? 1) or “why” 2) little/no possibility to control the events 3) phenomenon in a real-life context Case study is an empirical inquiry, in which: -Focus is on a contemporary ...
The design of a project involves conceptualization of a logical sequence of experiments that test specific corollaries of an important hypothesis. Designs of individual experiments can be clever or innovative, intuitive, powerful, straightforward or complex, naive or sophisticated, and effective or ...
Design and Methods (1994, Second edition. Thousand Oaks: Sage) By Robert K. Yin Summary General characteristics , When to use case study method? 1) The type of research question: typically to answer questions like “how” or “why” 2) Extent of control over behavioural events: when ...
1 CaseStudyResearch.DesignandMethods (1994,Secondedition.ThousandOaks:Sage) ByRobertK.Yin Summary Generalcharacteristics Whentousecasestudymethod? 1)Thetypeofresearchquestion:typicallytoanswerquestionslike“how” or“why” 2)Extentofcontroloverbehaviouralevents:wheninvestigatorhasa little/nopossibilitytocont...