Étienne Meunier, Karolynn Siegel, and Eric Schrimshaw contributed to the study design, and all authors contributed to portion of the study presented in this article. Data collection and analysis were performed by Étienne Meunier and Anne E. Sundelson. The first draft of the manuscript was ...
Abstract To find differences among various type of families’ gender stereotype implication to their children, the correlational research design will be used. Findings will be represented on a Turkey study composing of 20 gay, 20 lesbian, and 20 heterosexual parents with a child aged 5-9 years....
Results from the current investigation can serve as an important guide for educators, policymakers, and others who teach and mentor high school students and design and implement sexuality curricula. Given the role of high school–based sex education in informing students’ attitudes about sexuality, ...
Study concept and design: Staggs, Anderson, Bacani, Vassar. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All authors. Drafting of the manuscript: All authors. Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Hemmerich, Jones, Staggs, Anderson, Bacani. Statistical analysis...
Issues to consider relating to the study sample, design, and analysis are discussed. Enhancing the validity of the data, as well reliability and ethical issues in qualitative research are described. Qualitative research is an accessible way for chaplains to contribute new knowledge about the sacred...
As part of an increasingly vibrant area of research, information behavior scholars have shown that traditionally marginalized populations (e.g., older adults, LGBTQ people, people of color, low-income people and people with chronic diseases or disabilities) may have distinct health information needs ...
Welcome to Episode 7 of UX Research Geeks, the second part of our two-part series about UX research in Africa. In this episode, we welcome Elizabeth, a seasoned researcher from YUX Design, who, alongside Camille, the founder of the agency, explores the diverse landscape of UX research acros...
When co-design is used in the development of interventions, the interventions are more likely to be acceptable, relevant, and focused on changes that are most important to the population they seek to benefit [31]. However, there is a lack of research and clarity about co-designing with ...
First, it is suggested the creation of a group with a collaborative approach; it is the case of University of Otago (Beres et al.,2019), in New Zealand, where the group was composed of academic researchers and staff who worked on issues of sexual violence and the design of the initiative...
Shubham Kharwar contributed to the conception and design of the study. Dr Parwinder Singh analysed the data and drafted the manuscript together with Shubham Kharwar. Both authors approved the final version of the manuscript. Corresponding author Correspondence to Shubham Kharwar. ...