Data on survival endpoints are usually summarised using either hazard ratio, cumulative number of events, or median survival statistics. Network meta-analysis, an extension of traditional pairwise meta-analysis, is typically based on a single statistic.
This study attempted to compare the effect of cow manure vermicompost and inorganic fertilizers on the vegetative growth and fruits of tomato plant (Solanum lycopersicumL.). An air dried sandy loam soil was mixed with five rates of vermicompost equivalent to 0 (control), 5, 10, 15 and 20 t...
Nor-Cal 22-2843 Adaptive Pressure Controller Intellisys APC-001-B.1-01 Used 2 Nor-Cal 22-2843 Adaptive Pressure Controller Intellisys APC-001-B.1-01 Used 1 Varian Semiconductor Equipment E11326001 D1/D2 PS Controller VIIsta Used Working 1 TDK TAS-CPU Processor Board PCB Rev. 2.10 TAS300 ...
data on R&D funding by agency for FY2020 (actual), FY2021 (estimate), and FY2022 (request).4 Under the request, eight federal agencies would receive 97% of total federal R&D funding in FY2022: the Department of Defense (DOD), 36.7%; Department of Health and Human Services ...
Targeting substances of various uses and origins, this study provides the first systematic data for the River Po on a wide set of priority and emerging chemicals, all characterized by endocrine-active potentials. Flame retardants, natural and synthetic hormones, surfactants, personal care products, ...
(approximately 21,600 frames in total), the frame’s classification by each analyst was determined by assigning each frame to a category (male adult,female adult,child, orother) for each coder following the rule described above using the largest portion of the frame’s temporal extent. Cohen...
ying the concept andinstehgarartiinong iint,thresduelstiginngcaisne.thFeigucroep6yerxihgihbittsvaioqluaatniotintatoivfetahnealoyrsiisgwineaiglhdinegsitghen con- cept. Table 2 exshtriebnigttshsthanedaonpaployrtsuinsitoiefstihn ecosme pwareisaoknntoesthseews eaankndesssterseanngdtthhrseaotsf ...
(oSfEtMhe) toufmthoeurtusmphoeurroid porstprhaeyrsoiitds cpoomrtpraayctsneitsss acnomd rpoauctnndeesds naensds (srcoaulnedbeadr:n5es0sµ(msc)a(lhe).bRare:pr5o0duµcme)d w(hi)t.hRpeeprrmoidsusicoendfrwoimth[7] unpdeerrmaisCsiroenatfirvoemC[o7m] umndonersaACttrreiabtuivteioC...
chemosensors Review Recent Advances in Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Glucose Monitoring: From Fundamental Research to Commercial Application Manlio Caldara 1,* , Julia Kulpa 2, Joseph W. Lowdon 1 , Thomas J. Cleij 1 , Hanne Diliën 1 , Kasper Eersels 1 and Bart van Grinsven 1 1 ...
Analyst 2014, 139, 2449–2458. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 60. Sabhachandani, P.; Motwani, V.; Cohen, N.; Sarkar, S.; Torchilin, V.; Konry, T. Generation and functional assessment of 3D multicellular spheroids in droplet based microfluidics platform. Lab Chip 2016, 16, 497–505. [CrossRef...