Fluent reading, often defined as speed and accuracy, is an important skill for all readers to develop. Students with learning disabilities (LD) often struggle to read fluently, leading to difficulties in reading comprehension. Despite recent attention to reading fluency and ways to improve fluency,...
Experimental psychology is witnessing an increase in research on individual differences, which requires the development of new tasks that can reliably assess variations among participants. To do this, cognitive researchers need statistical methods that many researchers have not learned during their training....
First, a vesselness filter was applied to the images [45, 46] to increase the probability of resolving a vessel at a specific location in the image when it is actually present versus noise or motion artifact (Fig. 1b). Next, Otsu thresholding method [47] was applied to the resultant ...
However, Gumbrecht warns that there are few, if any, studies either supporting or rejecting the hypothesis that traditional ways of teaching are superior to teaching via the Internet. He says that he could point only to his “intuition that ...
We formulate a new research area, Automated Design of Agentic Systems (ADAS), which aims to automatically create powerful agentic system designs, including inventing novel building blocks and/or combining them in new ways. We further demonstrate that there is an unexplored yet promising approach ...
“climate change is not influenced by human industry;”“who needs a mask, even in a pandemic?”) and as such has led to decisions and expenditures that are killing people, undermining democracy, and spoiling the environment in ways that cannot be repaired. Fake news is just a way of ...
Reading numbers aloud, a central aspect of numerical literacy, is a challenging skill to acquire, but the origins of this difficulty remain poorly understood. To investigate this matter, we examined the performance of 127 third- and fourth-grade children
Pedagogical interventions of this kind can be best studied by employing design-based research, a relatively novel approach in educational research whose primary aim is to “increase the impact, transfer, and translation of education research into improved practice” while stressing “the need for theor...
Also, CPS engineers and stakeholders may find it hard to anticipate all the odd ways a human may interact with the device. What devious aim-defying behaviour would an e-bike cyclist come up with, could an electrician exploit the configuration of a smart home system, or how would a customer...
Singularity is based on the idea of an intelligence explosion, in which an AI system becomes capable of improving its intelligence, leading to an exponential increase in its capabilities. This concept might bring the potential of a future in which machines can address many human concerns, ...