Enquires can be directed to Dr. George Jiang at jljiang@hku.hk. A highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience will be offered, in addition to annual leave and medical benefits. The University only accepts online application for the above post. Applicants should apply o...
去HKU读博之前做一年Research Assistant 昨天,我把申请PhD的Research Proposal发给HKU的老师,想请她们帮忙看看提提意见。 今天收到回信,说她24年的招生名额已满,但欢迎我24年6月硕士毕业后先过去做一年Research Assistant(RA),然后申请25年的博士。 心里有一些遗憾和忧伤,毕竟都还没有提交PhD网申材料,就知道了最终...
过了几天,结果理工突然发生暴乱(学生打教授?)的事件,我就吓得果断不敢去了…加上项目的一部分是做teaching assistant,感觉到要和local学生打交道心里就很慌…后面就给教授发邮件说因为这个情况还是不考虑了。结果证明,这个决定是对的。 在这里说一下香港RA的工资。很多full-time岗位都是会让你提出expected salary...
Two Research Assistant Positions are available at the HKU Engineering 1. Organic electrochemical transistor/neuromorphric device Applicants should hold a undergraduate or graduate degree in Engineering, Applied Physics, Material Science, Chemistry or related disciplines. They should have solid experience devi...
Post: Research Assistant, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong.Principal supervisor: Dr. ...
Dr. Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics and Data Science, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech). She obtained her Ph.D. in 2017 from Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). She also worked in University of...
Job Type Academic Posts, Lecturers / Assistant Professors Contract Type Fixed Term Hours Full Time Save jobClick to add the job to your shortlist Send job Work type: Full-time Department: Faculty of Dentistry (08000) Categories: Senior Research Sta...
Research Assistant Professor / Post-doctoral Fellow in the Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre Limited(Ref.: 519613) Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre Limited (“ABIC”) is collaborative effort coordinated by the University of Hong...
The exploratory nature of this study limits the generalizability of the results. Indeed, the sample size is small and only represents a particular slice of the STEM teaching professorate (i.e., physics and astronomy assistant professors). Thus, extrapolation to other STEM and non-STEM disciplines...