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4区中科院分区 1.449影响因子 材料科学:综合小学科 投稿指导对口稀缺资源了解免费选刊指导 期刊简介中科院分区JCR分区CiteScore影响因子趋势图H-index自引率趋势图同领域期刊服务明细 中文简介 《材料研究快报》(MRX)是一本多学科期刊,致力于发表关于各类材料的性能、表征、设计和制造及其技术应用的新实验和理论研究。以文...
Article metricsAbstract In order to study the flexural performance of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with high-strength polyurethane composites (HSPUC), the static failure tests of two reinforced concrete beams strengthened by HSPUC reinforcement layer with different strengthening areas at the botto...
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering , 2017 , 17(1): 9 -18 CrossRef Google Scholar [26] LIU C, ZHANG M, CHEN C. Effect of laser processing parameters on porosity, microstructure and mechanical properties of porous Mg-Ca alloys produced by laser additive manufacturing. Materials...
明确投稿文章的所属类型 作者需要首先明确文章的类型,例如,original/research article、review、case report、correspondence等等,然后依照特定类型的文章,查看期刊对格式的要求。 分享7赞 双一流吧 真真假假真非假 南工大又一篇Science,可惜再次无缘双一流7月16日,《Science》杂志以全文(Research Article)的形式在线...
(1:JilinInstituteofArchitectureandCivilEngineering,SchoolofMunicipalandEnvironmentalEngineering, Changchun,China 130118;2:ChangchunGityFinancialInvestmentReviewCentre,Changchun,China 130061) Abstract:Thisarticleintroducesthestructuralcharacteristicsandadvantagesofexpendedgranularsludgebedfor themasstransferratefromtheliquidtoth...
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1993年-1996西安无线电一厂工作;1996年进 102413 核心期刊吧 南方菇凉呐💫 Journal of Engineering Research 分区:中科院四区,JCR:Q4 影响因子:1.0以内 发表形式:正刊,无会议信息体现 检索类型:Article 检索情况:SCI检索正常 语 种:英语 审稿周期:约3个月左右 投稿命中率:90%左右 收录数据库: Science Citation...