International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health于2012年获得第一个影响因子1.605分,随后影响因子逐年上涨,2015影响因子首次突破2分,达到2.063分,2017年2.101分,2018年2.145分,2019年2.468分,2020年2.849分,2021年最新影响因子为3.39分,首次突破3分。 图片来源:web of science目前,这本杂志2019,2020...
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH杂志的影响因子近几年一路上涨,2019年为2.849分,2020年为3.390分,2021年为4.614分。 3 接收领域 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLICHEALTH是一份同行评议的科学期刊,发表环境卫生科学和公共卫生跨学科领域的原创文章、批判性评论、...
《国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志》(International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health)是一本以ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由MDPI (Basel, Switzerland)出版商创刊于2004年,刊期Quarterly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES领域的重点研究和前沿进展...
Public health is the medical discipline concerned with the prevention and control of disease through population surveillance and the promotion of healthy behaviours. Strategies used to promote public health include patient education, the administration of vaccines, and other components of preventive medicine...
《International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health》(《国际环境研究与公共卫生杂志》)是一本由MDPI (Basel, Switzerland)出版的ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES学术刊物,主要刊载ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊已入选SCIE来源期刊。
我们就发现这两本杂志:Journal of Environmental and Public Health,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,真可谓难兄难弟。名字相似,都是什么环境+公共卫生,都是中国特供期刊,然后这两本杂志先后上了我们中科院预警期刊目录! 首先是,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public ...
我的点评:这个期刊是SSCI检索的JCR一区,目前因子是4.6,收OBHR和管理心理学方向的论文,对稿件质量有一定要求。我们投了一个比较契合的special issue,送了两个外审,外审意见比较有建设性,能够帮助论文进一步的完善,最后定稿是9000字左右,16个版面,整体上投稿过程比较规范和高效,校稿的老师也很认真!
David M. Buchner and Thomas SchmidAmerican Journal of Preventive MedicineBuchner DM, Schmid TL. Active Living Research and public health: natural partners in a new field. Am J Prev Med 2009;36(2S):S44 -S46.Buchner, D. M., & Schmid, T. (2009, February). Active living research and ...
Is It Possible to "Find Space for Mental Health" in Young People? Effectiveness of a School-Based Mental Health Literacy Promotion Program Effectiveness of a School-Based Mental Health Literacy Promotion Program, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1426, 1-12.....
Research ethics education is critical to developing a culture of responsible conduct of research. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have a high burden of infectious diseases like HIV and malaria; some, like Uganda, have recurring outbreaks. Coup