Golden Rice (GR) is an example of a GM crop which contains high amount of 尾-carotene, a compound which is an antioxidant and a precursor of vitamin A. In spite of GR's promised potential benefits in combating vitamin A deficiency (VAD) disorders it is still not cultivated. This view...
Really Healthy Food is actually available nationwide. This is my latest discovery about food as well as the focus of this blog post. Specifically, my emphasis is on the diversity of products from small artisanal farms rather than on large farms that might still be organic, vegetarian, or vegan...
fluorescence intensity was very low (Fig.1d). As there is a large vacuole in the center of the flesh cell with the cytoplasm squeezed around the cell (Supplementary Fig.S1A,B), fluorescence appeared around the cell. The cell wall is a pool of Ca2+that can also be combined with a Ca2+...
The article does an additional work to give annotations on some dialect words which never been explained or had improper explanations in The Research Materials About Jin Ping Mei(Jin Ping Mei Ci Hua),e.g."chou(瞅)","fan luan(反乱)","ha zhang(哈帐)".关键词: The Research Materials About...
and the intercropping of jujube with cereal crops had become popular by about 600 years ago. Thus, the level of jujube production in China has long been at the forefront of fruit tree production in history, and jujube production has made an important contribution to the development of fruit tr...
(Schneider et al.2023), this synthesis effort summarizes what is currently known about mercury sources and cycling in the SH and where the most critical knowledge gaps remain. Here, we identify and describe four human-driven differences between the hemispheres that have implications for SH and ... Introduction The golden age of antibiotics was ushered in by the accidental discovery of penicillin in 1929.1 About 70% of the antimicrobials used in human medicine today were obtained during the golden age of antibiotic discovery, and most of which were isolated from Actinomycete...
A play about the heretic Giordano Bruno. Oxford Mandrake 1990.Wolfram, E. The occult causes of disease, being a compendium of the teachings laid down in his 'Volumen Paramirum' by Bombastus von Hohenheim, better known as Paracelsus. London Rider n.d.....
of restoration (Fig.1c). Restoration studies in montane forests were predominant throughout, and almost the only ones before 2000. Since 2004 studies in cloud forests and mountain grasslands increased, while studies about the treeline and azonal formations remained anecdotal through the entire period...
The Mountain Spirit of the Vulture Peak introduces the situation: the pilgrims are about to be received into the Western Paradise; the householder Jigudu [給孤獨] (Sanskrit: Anāthapindada) is to escort them. He enters, the singer in this act. He introduces Tripitaka to heaven, answers his...