6A). To test whether increasing the prevalence of IMC formation can also elevate respiration, we used a Seahorse assay to quantify respiration upon IMC induction. Indeed, at 72 hpi, the activated tether increased ATP-linked, basal, and maximal respiration, as well as spare capacity (Fig. 6E ...
Images were recorded fully automated using the LEGINON37 software on a FEI Tecnai G2 Polara microscope equipped with a Gatan K2 Summit direct electron detector in super resolution mode at 300 kV. The nominal magnification was 80,645, yielding a pixel size of 0.62 Å. Twenty-five movie ...
(Figures 5C and S6A,IV). Catastrophes occurred with normal frequency at MT plus ends that did not accumulate Cls1-GFP puncta (Figure S6C). Rescue events occurring very near the position of catastrophe at plus ends cannot be spatially resolved by our imaging system (about 270 nm per pixel,...
Data collections were performed on FEI Titan Krios transmission electron microscopes equipped with a Falcon II direct electron detector (FEI) at 300 kV at a pixel size of 1.064 Å (Dataset 1) or 1.084 Å (Dataset 2 and 3). Dataset 1: Defocus range was from −1.0 to −2.5 μm (...
In the latter image, the average fluorescence intensity was quantified by dividing the integrated pixel intensity (gray value) by the total number of pixels. This parameter is computationally equivalent to CaIOD/Casum (Table S1) and reflects the average cellular fluorescence intensity of the ROS ...
Images were recorded fully automated using the LEGINON37software on a FEI Tecnai G2Polara microscope equipped with a Gatan K2 Summit direct electron detector in super resolution mode at 300 kV. The nominal magnification was 80,645, yielding a pixel size of 0.62 Å. Twenty-five movie ...