We are a non profit, foster based rescue that is based in central Nebraska. We have years of rescue experience and fosters throughout the state. We focus on pulling dogs (and cats) from death rows, that are typically down to seconds between life and death. We do not discriminate ag...
Adopt/Rescue a Dog inNebraska Duke and Sadie Duke and Sadie Ana Jones 40 Foellner Lane Ottsville PA 18942 Phone: 215-997-1873 E-Mail: anamjones@gmail.com Duke and Sadie are sweet 2 year old twins that need a loving home! They are cage trained, healthy and great with children, adults...
Cocoa is approx. 2 years old, high energy, loves to play ball. Great with other dogs and plays great with kids. Adopt aBorder CollieDog Rescue -Comments (0) Adopt/Rescue a Dog inLouisiana Young And Friendly Border Collie young and friendly border collie ...
Adopt/Rescue a Dog inNebraska Steefers steefers cheryl kiefer 240 circle drive patrick springs VA 24133 Phone: 276-694-300 Fax: 276-694-5430 Adopt aChinese CrestedDog Rescue -Comments (0) Adopt/Rescue a Dog inVirginia Small Dog Rescue Of Mn ...
In all, when comparing these numbers to previous data, there has been a nearly 10 percent jump in people expressing interest in adopting from shelters. There are some states where sentiments on shelter pets have skyrocketed, with places like Nebraska, New Mexico, and Wyoming finding responses ran...
In all, when comparing these numbers to previous data, there has been a nearly 10 percent jump in people expressing interest in adopting from shelters. There are some states where sentiments on shelter pets have skyrocketed, with places like Nebraska, New Mexico, and Wyoming finding responses ran...
Lock up any lose dogs and cats and keep watch, from a distance, for one to two hours. It is recommended that you warm thebaby squirrelin your hands or by holding it close to your body and then place it at the base of the tree. Given time,the mother will returnand retrieve her bab...
Adopt/Rescue a Dog inOhio Marion Area Humane Society Marion ARea Humane Society Pat Lynch 2264 Richland Rd Marion OH 43302 Phone: 740-3895350 E-Mail: plynch9333@aol.com Katie is a shepard mix, about 10 months old. She is fine with other dogs, full or energy and has been at our shelt...
Italian Greyhound Place is more than willing to assist in these states also: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. The Place for: Italian Greyhound Rescue and AssistanceHOME...
You’re in the right place! MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue adopts out hundreds of amazing dogs each year. We even have aGolden Paws for Golden Yearsprogram that helps match adult dogs with qualified senior citizens. But, c'mon we know you wanna see the pooches!