ResAP(2004)5决议《关于拟接触食品的硅有机化合物》ResAP(2004)5 决议《关于拟接触食品的硅有机化合物》1.定义 有机硅包含一些列高分子化学物质,这些物质中都包含聚硅氧烷。聚硅氧烷的特点是含有Si-O-Si和Si-C键。它们可有氯硅烷经水解反应值得。诸如填料,乳化剂和被定义所包括的聚硅氧烷,进一步的由一...
03-19-2004 06:23 AM Re: SAP hardware configuration Just a last word. We use an ASP (Application Service Provider). We were on a HP 9000L class 4 CPU, 5 GB RAM, about to go to 100 GB of hardrive space. All this for a medium size company with 200 user logins. When contr...
on1stDecember2004atthe907thmeetingoftheMinisters’Deputies) (SupersedingResolutionAP(96)5) TheCommitteeofMinisters,initscompositionrestrictedtotheRepresentativesofAustria,Belgium,Cyprus,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Ireland,Italy,Luxembourg,TheNetherlands,Norway,Portugal,Slovenia,Spain,Sweden,SwitzerlandandtheUnited...
Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight. 1 Kudo Reply Richard Saldivar Trusted Contributor 03-19-2004 05:26 AM Re: SAP hardware configuration Ou...
Re-inventing SAP
所有任职企业 5 序号 企业名称 职务 注册资本 成立时间 地区 状态 1 大正信(张家港)物流有限公司 法定代表人 执行董事,总经理 10,803.8152万(元) 2004-11-26 江苏省苏州市张家港市 开业 2 张家港保税港区密尔克卫化工物流有限公司 法定代表人 执行董事兼总经理 600万(元) 2005-04-27 江苏省苏州市张家港...
20% 李万平 500万(元) 2004-04-26 四川省广安市华蓥市 开业 2 华七电气 成都华七电气技术有限公司 50% 付晓轲 200万(元) 2013-06-06 四川省成都市成华区 开业担任高管 2 序号 企业名称 职务 法定代表人 注册资本 成立时间 地区 状态 1 昌达源 武汉市昌达源信息技术有限公司 监事 许明海 200万...
Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make all your paths straight. 1 Kudo Reply Richard Saldivar Trusted Contributor 03-19-2004 05:26 AM Re: SAP hardware configuration Ou...
Vincent_5 Super Advisor 10-21-2004 03:09 AM Re : startup and shutdown script for sap Hi Guys, Does anyone have any sample of how to create a startup and shutdown script for sap in the rc level where hp unix is using to start and stop process ???RegardsVincent nothing ...