helps you find face value or less tickets. Compare and buy the cheapest tickets for over 125,000 concerts, theatre shows and sporting events globally!
Resale Tickets - Resale tickets aretickets sold by fans, season ticket holders and professional ticket brokers. On Ticketmaster, resale tickets are clearly identified, either by color or by description. The list price of a resale ticket is set by the seller and sometimes might be higher, or lo...
目前Ticketmaster上已经有一部分resale tickets了,如果你登陆查BTS的演唱会就会发现已经有票可以买,但不是原价,是二手价,但是!我们这些买到票的依然无法resale或者transfer,据说周一才可以。所以大家都在推特上讨论,究竟是哪些人可以提前resale?看起来Ticketmaster自己留了一批票,打算在其他人开始卖之前,先赚一笔但我也...
Ticketmaster目前已经开始有resale tickets 了!!但是好贵,山顶票都要750美元 最贵的3万以上都有。基本上跟其他二手网站没啥区别,还是建议到最后一周碰运气。从目前来看在被转卖的座位数量挺多的,所以如果最后可以降价的话,还是很有机会的。这说明什么呢?过去几天大部分人买票的挣扎让买到的人看到,就算自己不去,也...
With a new ticket resale system, Ticketmaster is trying to show you what seats are available in one place -- both unsold ones and those up for resale -- so you can price-shop more easily.
For instance, Ticketmaster has recently pro-posed paperless (non-transferrable) ticketing which would severely limit the opportunity to resell tickets. We consider a model that allows resale from both consumers and speculators with different transaction costs for each party. Surprisingly, we find that ...
ticketmaster在ticketmaster上购买NBA球票,只能Buy Resale Tickets 了 都好贵呀还有其他途径么?Buy Resale...
Most tickets display the price you paid, but the tickets being resold by third-party sellers or other fans may state the original price. Why is someone else's name on my ticket? The name on the ticket is the name of the original purchaser. You’ll still be able to enter the ...
“We have noticed people attempting to sell tickets on the secondary market since the start of the pre-sale,” a statement from Oasis read. “Please note, tickets can ONLY be resold, at face value, via Ticketmaster and Twickets. Tickets sold in breach of the terms and conditions will be ...