最便宜的 Apple 笔记本电脑是 2020 年推出的 M1 MacBook Air,起价为 999 美元/999 英镑。有大量 Windows 笔记本电脑的价格仅为该价格的一半。从表面上看,MacBook 更具价值的论点并不成立。但决定性因素不是最初的购买价格,而是笔记本电脑整个使用寿命期间的总成本。在廉价的 Windows 笔记本电脑上,软件更有可能变...
However each time I complete the download and installation of the Mac OS from Apple, the computer screen returns to disk utility with no options other than shut down or restart The Mac does not attempt to restart on its own and there is no startup assistant that shows. What's up? 1 ...