If you are still using the key, please refer to the RES2DINV manual or the following web site : www.rainbow.com. In Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP, a Recycle Bin program is sometimes used to save recently deleted files. This feature might prove to be a nuisance when inverting very large ...
using the key, please refer to the RES2DINV manual or the following web site : .rainbow. In Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP, a Recycle Bin program is sometimes used to save recently deleted files. This feature might prove to be a nuisance when ...
Loke MH (1998) RES2DINV, Rapid 2D resistivity and IP inversion using least-squares methods, User manual. Advanced Geosciences, Inc, Austin 66 pLoke MH. RES2DINV, Rapid 2D resistivity and IP inversion using least-squares methods, User Manual: Austin. Texas, Advanced Geosciences Inc. 1998;66...