The Penalty is triggered regardless of whether Seal Atk/Res's user performs an attack during combat. If foe initiates combat and user cannot counterattack, Seal Atk/Res's Penalty will still trigger. Seal Atk/Res's user needs to survive the combat for t
Type: Locality Location: Gâvres, Arrondissement of Lorient, Morbihan, Brittany, France, Europe View on OpenStreetMapLatitude47.69101° or 47° 41' 28" north Longitude-3.35317° or 3° 21' 11" west Elevation6 metres (20 feet) United Nations Location CodeFR GV5 Open Location Code8...
Arquivos base para tradução do Galaxy Note 2. Contribute to restlesssoul/Source-Note2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
中文維基新聞廣播頻道: Reuters:World: 内涵段子: 内涵段子 - 皮皮虾: 每日沙雕墙: 吃瓜大佬: 吃瓜中心: 糗...
type 3 number 3 title 关于赌博与事与愿违 titleEn text 白雪松:我必须承认,我并不理解眼前的状况。白雪松:一颗木头骰子变成了跟其他几颗并无二致的普通骰子,最后得出了一个惊人的数字。这是明目张胆的出千行为。白雪松:你习惯于先为别人展示出千技巧,再发出坐上赌桌的邀约吗?洛佩拉:不,一般来说,在上赌...
#0|(Before you pat me on the head,) #3.6|(could you please try and tell me, does every species have the same kind of soul?)#6.1|"Instead of a pat on the head, the puppy prefers a handshake like a friend."#9.5 twcontent <朋友的味道。>#0|<先別摸我的頭——>#3.6|<請試著...
type 3 number 3 title 没有目的地的旅行 titleEn text 白雪松:你和我见过的许多人都不一样,他们踏上旅途是为了追寻某种东西,例如一场文化洗礼,例如一幕风景,例如一场艳遇。环状水星:嗯。白雪松:那么请问你踏上旅途的契机是什么呢?环状水星:一张地图,一个圣诞夜,一扇院长夫人为我打开的大门。白雪松:听起来...
type 13 param 10 param2 addaudio content 每个人都愿意为我的回眸一掷千金,#0|只有你,愿意为我的灵魂付一分钱。谢谢你。#4.5 encontent People spend thousands for my glance.#0|But you are willing to pay for my soul. Thank you.#2.7 twcontent 每個人都願意為我的回眸一擲千金,#0|只有你,願...
French: Soulagnets French: Vallée-de-Bagnères Friulian: Bagnères-de-Bigorre Galician: Bagnères-de-Bigorre Georgian: ბანიერ-დე-ბიგორი German: Bagnères German: Bagnères-de-Bigorre German: Bagnères de Bigorre German: Banhèras de Bigòrra Greek: Βαλ...