*有些音乐播放器不能播放11.2MHz/1bit格式的DSD音乐,请在购买前确认您的播放器是否能够播放11.2MHz/1bit格式的DSD音乐,以免给您的使用带来不便 *DSD音频文件尺寸较大,建议在良好WIFI环境下进行下载。 日本爵士钢琴家原朋直(Tomonao Hara)个人第二张专辑,全部作曲及演奏由他本人及其团成员完成。 专辑的整个录制过程...
The article tells the significance of the date May 23, 1844 in relation to the Bahai religion. This day marks the time when Mirza Ali Mahamad, who prophesied the coming of the Great Teacher, began preaching in southern Persia. This was also the birth date of Abdul Baha...
de Vries, T., Hollenbeck, J. R., Davison, R. B., Walter, F., & van der Vegt, Gerben S. (2016). Managing coordination in multiteam systems: Integrating micro and macro perspectives. Academy of ...