Recruiting Job Requisition Distribution/Requisition Languages The requisitionLanguages resource is a child of jobDistributionDetails. It includes the details of the languages mentioned in the job description. Get the details of all the required languages Method: get Path: /h...
Recruiting Job Requisition Distribution/Requisition Languages/Requisition Media The media resource is a child of requisitionLanguages. It includes the details of the type of media used in the job distribution. Get the details of all the media Method: get ...
Type: object Show Source AgreementUpdateStatus: string AgreementUpdateStatusCode: string links: array Links RequisitioningBUGroupId: integer (int64) RequisitioningBUId: integer (int64) RequisitioningBUName: string RequistioningBUMapping...
Note that the service endpoints in this resource category are only for Oracle internal use. Get a requisition flexfield in the requisition details preview Method: get Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{Requisiti...
Job Site Posted Jobs/Requisition Languages/Requisition Media The media resource is a child of requisitionLanguages. It includes the details of the type of media used in the job distribution. Get the details of all the media Method: get Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/...
about how the information is shown to external candidates once the job is published. You need to provide path parameters for these requests. Requests without parameters aren't allowed and will return an error. Note that the service endpoints in this resource category are only for Oracle internal...
Requisition Agents/Agent Location on Job Requisition The AgentLocationV2 resource is a child of the recruitingUIRequisitionAgents resource and provides details about the location of the recruiting agent. Get all locations of the agent in the job requisition Method: get Path: /...
in forms and reports. Oracle Purchasing generates REQUISITION_NUMBER using the PO_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_CONTROL table if you choose to let Oracle Purchasing generate requisition numbers for you. . POR_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL is one of three tables storing requisition information. POR_REQUISITION_HEADERS_...
The jobDistributionDetails resource includes all the details of the job distribution. Note that the service endpoints in this resource category can only be used by approved Oracle Cloud Marketplace partners. Get the details of a job distribution Method: get Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/11.1...
Get all job families of the agent in the job requisition Method: get Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/{AgentId}/child/agentJobFamilies Get the job family of the agent in the job requisition Method: get Path: /hcmRestApi/resources/11.13...