module foo { requires java.base; requires transitive java.compiler; } ~> 任何依赖于 foo 模块的模块将自动读取 java.compiler 模块 ~> 另一方面,要访问模块 java.base ,他们必须再次指定 requires 子句。 module bar { requires foo; // java.compiler is available to read requires java.base; // sti...
importjava.lang.module.ModuleDescriptor.Requires;//导入依赖的package包/类privatestaticintmodifierToInt(Requires.Modifier modifier){switch(modifier) {caseMANDATED:returnACC_MANDATED;caseSYNTHETIC:returnACC_SYNTHETIC;caseSTATIC:returnACC_STATIC_PHASE;caseTRANSITIVE:returnACC_TRANSITIVE;default:thrownewIllegalStateE...
boolean isTransitive() Returns true if this is a "requires transitive" directive. Returns: true if this is a "requires transitive" directive getModuleName ExpressionTree getModuleName() Returns the name of the module that is required. Returns: the name of the module that is requiredReport...
If i declarerequires transitivein my the warning goes away but then it breaks company. Company: backend company-capf error "Internal error." with args (candidates jav) Removing it allows company to work again but I am left with the warning above. Has anyone ran into this ...
Make the "java.sql" dependency transitive in the file. It's not transitive, so every module that requires the "gson" module also needs to explicitly require the "java.sql" module. ...
Use requires in a module's file:module mymodule { requires module1; requires transitive module2; requires static module3; } Definition and UsageThe requires keyword is a module directive that specifies a different module which this module depends on....
开发者ID:apache,项目名称:incubator-netbeans,代码行数:17,代码来源 示例2: visitRequires importcom.sun.source.tree.RequiresTree;//导入依赖的package包/类@OverridepublicTreevisitRequires(RequiresTreetree, Void p){RequiresTreen = make.Requires(tree.isTransitive(), tree.isStatic(), tree...
クラスjava.lang.Objectで宣言されたメソッド getClass,notify,notifyAll,wait,wait,wait 列挙型定数の詳細 TRANSITIVE public static finalModuleDescriptor.Requires.ModifierTRANSITIVE この依存関係により、「現在のモジュール」に依存するモジュールは、Requiresで指定されたモジュールに暗黙的に宣言さ...
声明方法的类 java.lang.Object getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait Enum Constant Detail TRANSITIVE public static final ModuleDescriptor.Requires.Modifier TRANSITIVE 依赖性导致依赖于 当前模块的任何模块具有对 Requires命名的模块的隐式声明的依赖性。 STATIC public static final ModuleDescriptor.Req...
ok, so java.logging is never included by default - don't know where you got that from - The parent module must define the necessities of all underlying unless they are "requires transitive" - i think you are just using it wrong? in YOUR module-info, add in requires java.logging so it...