在修改了SDK版本和build.gradle文件后,重启Android Studio可以确保所有设置都被正确加载。此外,如果你遇到了缓存相关的问题,可以尝试清理项目缓存和重启IDE。 按照这些步骤操作后,你应该能够解决“requires newer sdk version #33 (current version is #31)”的错误。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要检查其他配置或依赖项,确保...
adb: failed to install Z:\GPTMobile-v0.6.1.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl1494519651.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #7): Requires newer sdk version #31 (current version is #30)]...
Caused by: android.content.pm.PackageParser$PackageParserException: C:\Dev\Danilo\MyApp\libraries\deviceprovider\build\intermediates\apk_for_local_test\debugUnitTest\apk-for-local-test.ap_ (at Binary XML file line#5): Requires newer sdk version#30(current version is#28) ...
This article provides a resolution for the error "The specified program requires a newer version of Windows". Applies to:Visual Studio 2015 Symptoms You want to install Visual Studio 2015 on a computer that already has Windows 7 SP1 or newer installed, but you receive the follow...
xcode 15.0.1 is set as default version of xcode there. As this does contain (at least) one bug, you get swamped with warning messages, when building. Those problems are fixed in newer xcode versions, so if you switch to xcode 15.2, which is also available on the image, ...
This article provides a resolution for the error "The specified program requires a newer version of Windows".Applies to: Visual Studio 2015SymptomsYou want to install Visual Studio 2015 on a computer that already has Windows 7 SP1 or newer installed, but you receive the following...
扩展性 - Visual Studio SDK 常规 安装 设置、维护或卸载 缺少.NET 多平台应用 UI 模板 找不到 Windows 10 开发人员工具 无法使用联机安装程序安装 Visual Studio 无法使用“帮助”菜单更新 Visual Studio 错误- 请重新启动计算机并再次运行安装程序 用于安装其他语言包的错误消息 错误- 磁...
Visual Studio requires a newer version of Windows Visual Studio requires the April 2014 update Wait for setup to finish before trying again Warnings about an untrusted certificate We recommend you close Visual Studio now before setup continues Windows Installer may display inacc...
Recommended action: Update this project's version of the Android Gradleplugintoone that supports34,thenupdate this projecttouse compileSdkVerionofat least34. Note that updating a libraryorapplication's compileSdkVersion (whichallows newer APIstobe used) can be done separatelyfromupdating ...
[DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR] Performing Streamed Install adb: failed to install sndcpy.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl1606743385.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #7): Requires newer sdk version #29 (current version is #24...