In the present study, we aimed at generating mutants in genes belonging to each of the three aforementioned operons, e.g. hyd, hyf and hyp, a technical challenge since, to our knowledge, no C. concisus mutant has been reported yet. While attempts using conventional methods (electroporation ...
BS ISO 14540. Hydraulic fluid power. Dimensions and requirements for screw-to-connect quick-action couplings for use at a pressure of 72 MPa (720 bar)doi:BS 11/30239328 DC交叉引用:ISO 4397 ISO 5598ISO 5864ISO 7241-2购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中....
tahnedgbeenaebtilceatlogorercitohgmni'zsegtohael wmialxl ibmeutomfinnudmabneRr PoSf rweqituhirtehme emnitns.imum number of patteSron,stphoesgseibnleetiacnadlgtohreitmhmax'ismguomal nwuilml bbeertooffimndatacnheRdPrSewquitihretmhenmtsinfoimr aumspencuifmicbseertooff preaqttueirrnesmpeonstsi....
Francisco and Swanson [37] used the technology innovation adoption concept or so-called the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology to study the application of blockchain for supply chain traceability. Dobrovnik et al. [16] categorised blockchain applications based on multiple ...