Medicare is not responsible for determining whether you qualify due to disability. The Social Security Administration oversees that decision, as they administer your SSDI checks. If you reach Medicare eligibility due to an end-stage renal disease (ESRD) diagnosis, you must enroll yourself in Medic...
What arethe requirements to apply for disability? There are two ways of addressing this question. One is to examine the process that the social security administration uses to determine eligibility when youapply for SSDI(Social Security Disability insurance) or SSI (supplemental security income) benef...
Ecuador accepts disability (SSDI) for income requirements. Please, please tell me the same is true for Colombia. Reply johana May 17, 2017 at 7:37 am Great post. My Bf is getting tp7 visa but readed all documents need be translated into spanish and apostilled. About benefit letter we...
In the SSDI program, the 40-credit rule holds for those ages 62 and older, but those who become disabled at a younger age may qualify with fewer credits. Let's say you become disabled before age 24. You can apply for benefits with only six credits, as long as you earned them within ...