An RFP is a document that facilitates the formalized bid-seeking process that a nonprofit organization conducts when searching for an investment service provider. The RFP document requests information on the candidate firms’ services, levels of expertise, performance, fees and other important factors. ...
The profits that credit unions do make are used to pay members higher interest rates on deposits, and to charge lower fees for services, such as checking accounts and ATM withdrawals. In short, a credit union can save members money on loans, deposit accounts, and savings products. According ...
“It’s a great opportunity and set of goals to rally around,” said Stacy Pearl Dauber, Vice President of Wealth Management atBailard. “The B Corp certification process energizes improvement and company culture, and is a wonderful opportunity across the board.” Businesses in operation for lo...
Non Profit Advisor Academy – Immediate access to online educational program to help you start, fund and grow your nonprofit. The Academy is 7 modules each containing multiple lessons on crafting your mission statement, creating your organization's vision, defining values, selecting board members and...
With a consent resolution, the proposed resolutions, transactions or other decisions are documented in writing and circulated to each member for their review and signature approval. Once all members have consented in writing, it has the same legal effect as if a meeting had taken place. ...
elected to represent shareholders. Typically, the board is tasked with appointing the CEO or executive management at the company and establishing corporate governance policies. All publicly-traded companies must have a board of directors and some private and nonprofit corporations also have a board. ...
Spending is always a big debate among board members as it pertains to cybersecurity. How much is enough? How much is too much? Adding a cybersecurity expert to the board would give the other board members solid direction on the best way to allot spending for cybersecurity. A cybersecurity...
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB): A nonprofit corporation created by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to oversee the audits of public companies and other issuers to protect the interests of investors and the public. The PCAOB also oversees the audits of broker-dealers, including complian...
[od_accordion title=”Q13. Are employees of small businesses (i.e., those with fewer than 50 employees) eligible to take EFMLEA leave?”]A13. The DOL’s temporary regulations exempt small businesses with fewer than 50 employees, including a religious or nonp...
Service Hours- Ensure that the district school board (if a non-public school) has a system in place to calculate the service hours of students. Service hours include business or government internships, working for nonprofit community service, or other similar activities. The documentation of ...