Resistance Welding Equipment - Part 1: Safety Requirements For Design, Manufacture And Installation
Research has recognized the importance of analyzing information quality (IQ) formany different applications: The success of data integration greatly depends on thequality of the individual data. In statistical applications poor data quality often leadsto wrong conclusions. High information quality is liter...
Towards a Stepwise Method for Unifying and Reconciling Corporate Names in Public Contracts Metadata: The CORFU Technique. In Proceedings of the Research Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research, Thessaloniki, Greece, 19–22 November 2013; Garoufallou, E., Greenberg, J., Eds.; Springer ...
Connectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-001: Rectangular connectors - Blank detail specificationConnectors for electronic equipment - Product requirements - Part 3-001: Rectangular connectors - Blank detail specification
Challenges in Negotiating a Complex Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Requirements-Type ContractArmstrong, Greg
United States Certain Country of Origin Labelling (Cool) Requirements Reports of the Appellate Bodydoi:10.54648/wtam2012014
Zetiq fulfills CE mark requirementsThe reports on the success of Zetiq Technologies to fulfill the essential requirements towards issuing a self declaration CE mark of conformity for its diagnostic product for identification of ...
MCS 011 Product certification scheme requirements: Acceptance criteria for testing required for product certification. Issue 1.4
Missing RequirementsThree charts are presented showing information on the percentage of U.S. high school graduates who did not attain a standard curriculum, who attained a standard but not a midlevel curriculum, and who attained...
PRJ PPR324 HA/QPA/RBA collaborative programme 2004/07: surface requirements for asphalt roads