In addition, the effect of ANP alone on a series of drinking behaviours was examined in the mudskipper, since relevant functions of ANP except for the antagonism with AngII are known in several vertebrates26,31. For two hours after the ICV injection of ANP, no significant change in the migra...
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project# platform :ios, "6.0"target"justunfollow"dopod'PNLibrary'pod'SIAlertView'pod'MLPSpotlight','~> 1.2'pod'AAFNetworking','~> 0.1.0'pod'GoogleAnalytics-iOS-SDK'pod'eagle-eye-ios-pod',:git=>'POD_SSH_URL'endtarget"justunfo...
sweat rate measured as MB change; TBW, total body water; TWI, total water intake = (plain water + water in beverages + food moisture); TOSM, tear osmolality; FC, fluid consumed during a defined time period; BHI, beverage hydration index, relative to water;%∆PV, percent change of pla...