Userstryingtoencryptordecryptwiththespecifiedkeymusthavetherequiredpermissionstoaccessthekeycontainer. 尝试用指定密钥进行加密或解密的用户必须具有访问密钥容器的所需权限。 2. Theruntimedetermineswhether thesetofrequiredpermissionsisasubsetof the allowedpermissionset. ...
public RequiredPermissions withAction(Boolean action) 设置操作属性:操作权限。 Parameters: action - 要设置的操作值。 Returns: RequiredPermissions 对象本身。withDelete public RequiredPermissions withDelete(Boolean delete) 设置delete 属性:delete 权限。 Parameters: delete - 要设置的删除值。 Returns: Require...
The required permissions are: 青云英语翻译 请在下面的文本框内输入文字,然后点击开始翻译按钮进行翻译,如果您看不到结果,请重新翻译! 翻译结果1翻译结果2翻译结果3翻译结果4翻译结果5 翻译结果1复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部 所需的权限是: 翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部...
Required permissions for the connector Properties Expand table action action permission delete delete permission read read permission write write permission Property Details action action permission TypeScript Copy action?: boolean Property Value boolean delete delete permission TypeScript Copy ...
ait makes sense to make alternate paths of execution when exceptions take place. 当例外发生时,它有道理做备用通路施行。[translate] a祝我们在假期玩的开心 Wishes us the happiness which plays in the vacation[translate] ahave the required permissions to access this folder 有必需的允许访问这个文件夹[...
Permissions to Create or Deploy a Database You must have the following permissions to create or deploy a database. ActionsRequired Permissions Import database objects and settingsYou must be able to connect to the source database. If the source database is based on SQL Server 2005, you must...
The following section describes the additional permissions that are required when the redo logs are stored in ASM.Grant the following read privilege: SELECT ON v_$transportable_platformFrom Oracle 11g Release 2 (, Data Movement gateway must be granted the SYSASM privilege in order...
Required minimum permissions for the RAM role You can use a RAM policy to grant the RAM role the minimum permissions required to perform data replication on the source and destination buckets. { "Version":"1", "Statement":[ { "Effect":"Allow", "Action":[ "oss:ReplicateList", "oss:Re...
Required permissions PDFRSS You need the following permissions to deploy the ParallelCluster API with Terraform: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "cloudformation:DescribeStacks", "cloudformation:GetTemplate" ], "Resource": "arn:PARTITION:cloudformation:REGION:ACCOUNT:stack...
Required permissions for get-windowsautopilotinfo to allow enrollment? I've been trying to create a custom role to allow a user to enroll a system with autopilot but not give them intune administrator permissions. I've found some articles that go over that by giving certain p...