generated XDTsixY and XDTsixX TS and XEN cells, and dissected E6.5 extra-embryonic and epiblast fragments for RNA FISH and RT–PCR; M.H. developed the allele-specific RT–PCR and pyrosequencing assays; A.K. assisted with the optimization of strand-specific RNA FISH protocol; C.H. bred ...
Lamins have speculated roles in regulating changes in and the long-term stabilization of gene expression during differentiation2,3, but studies have not yet shown a direct link between B-type lamins and the expression of genes involved in development. Furthermore, these roles for B-type lamins ...
Finally, the striking differences in the ASIC expression level between non-FSINs and FSINs raise general questions regarding the roles of ASIC in amygdala INs in fear learning and memory. Methods Brain slice preparation. Coronal brain slices (300 μm thick) were prepared from mice (19–75 ...
However, the roles of histone lysine methylations in early embryo development are not largely explored. Histone H3 lysine 36 residue can be modified in the forms of mono-, di- and trimethy- lation. It is well recognized that SETD2 is the main methyltransferase for catalyzing H3K36me3 in ...