无法创建假脱机目录%1。请检查您是否具备该操作的权限。 translations.launchpad.net 4. Theusercredentialsdonotprovidetherequiredpermissionstoreadthefile. 用户凭据不提供阅读文件所需的权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Werecommendthateachagentrununder adifferentWindowsaccountandtheaccountshouldbegrantedonlytherequired...
This permission is required when an application must be permitted to download unified labeling policies for the tenant. Examples of services that requireUnifiedPolicy.Tenant.Readare applications which need work with labels as a service principal identity. ...
To run SQL Server Profiler, users must be granted the ALTER TRACE permission. For more information, see GRANT Server Permissions (Transact-SQL).Important Query Plans and Query Text, captured by SQL Trace as well as by other means, for example, Dynamic Management Views and Functions (DMVs,...
The SignedBy entry is optional; omitting it signifies "any signer" -- it does not matter whether the code is signed, or by whom. If you have both a CodeBase and a SignedBy entry, the permission(s) are granted only to code that is both from the specified location and signed by the...
Either the user who is trying to enable the automation rule, or the actor of the rule is not granted the Edit Issues project permission across all the projects in the scope of the automation rule. Please note that curren...
The error message you are seeing indicates that the API client you are using does not have the necessary permissions to perform the requested action. Ensure that the fulfillment order scopes you are requesting in your API requests match the permissions that have been granted to your app. I...
2.754: Setup encountered an error: You do not have permission to updateOS_name. Please contact your system administrator. 2.764: You do not have permission to updateOS_name. NoteOS_namerepresents the operating system name.SE_SECURITY_PRIVILEGErepresents the missing user right....
The user hasn’t given the app permission to save data. HKErrorAuthorizationNotDetermined The app hasn’t yet asked the user for the authorization required to complete the task. HKErrorDatabaseInaccessible The HealthKit data is unavailable because it’s protected and the device is locked. H...
If you use Object Storage Service (OSS) to store data, make sure that the service-linked role for DSW is granted the permissions to access OSS. This topic describes how to grant permissions to a DSW service-linked role. Background information If you want to use a Resource Access ...
Server and to Exchange administrators in the identified scenarios. Microsoft has determined that it is possible to make changes that lower the permissions that are granted within an Active Directory domain. The actua...