Laravel validation中的required_if规则用于在满足指定条件时,验证给定字段是否必填。如果该规则在您的代码中不起作用,可能是由于以下原因之一: 条件不满足:required_if规则只在指定条件满足时才会生效。请确保您正确设置了条件,并且条件在验证时为true。 字段名称错误:确保您正确指定了要验证的字段名称。字段名称应与您...
'body.*.image.file' => 'required_if:body.*.type,left,right|required_without:body.*.image.saved', ]); 但它返回错误的结果。 laravel 来源: 关注 举报 1条答案按热度按时...
at line 22 void __construct(callable|bool $condition) Create a new required validation rule based on a condition. Parameters callable|bool $condition Return Value void at line 36 string __toString() Convert the rule to a validation string. Return Value string ...
Method should returnTRUEif validation rule passed, in case of failure returnsFALSE; In this case we're using only onf of method parameters$value, parameter$attributemeans name of the field to be validated, and$parametersare used for more complicated rules, like in default Laravel we havemin:Xo...
$rules= ['optional_value'=>'sometimes|boolean|required_if:some_bool,true', ];$validator=$this->getValidationFactory()->make($request->all(),$rules);// or Validator::make()?$validator->sometimes('optional_value','nullable',function($data) {return!is_null($data->some_bool);// implicit...
This bug might extend to other validation rules such asRequireWith, however I have not tested that part. ✅ Expected behavior It would be expected that both attributes$barand$foobar, would be required. 🖥️ Versions Laravel: 10.0
[Laravel version] Method [validateRequiered] does not exist. Remplacer version par la version de Laravel que tu utilises. Ce serait quand même mieux que tu nous montre le code ou tu définies la règle de validation. Face a quelqu'un pour qui l'on n'éprouve que de l'aversion et du...
My use case is : if user click selection on value " 1:5 " ( accept as a string ), then user required to fill a few input . so my validation as below. how ever, validation still passed eventho i didn't fill the input type' => 'required',
Inertia.js is an incredible tool that glues a server-side framework, like Laravel, to a client-side framework, like Vue. With Inertia, you can continue using server-side routing, and controllers, and authentication, and validation. With Inertia, you don't need to learn how to build an API...