React+Antd打包部署之后报错: ReferenceError: require is not defined看错误信息应该是react-dom文件里用到了require,但是路由好像没问题,是点击按钮的时候报错了,整个页面不能看错误信息截图:vite.config.js代码: import { defineConfig,splitVendorChunkPlugin } from 'vite' import react from '@vitejs/plugin-reac...
I'm currently using Vite to build my React app. I usereact-comment-section After I usedvite buildand deploy it to Firebase hosting. I always get this error: required is not defined And I've found that this error comes from thisreact-comments-sectionpackage This is myvite.config.jsI've ...
在Vue项目中遇到ReferenceError: require is not defined的错误,通常是因为在Vue 3项目中使用Vite作为构建工具时,Vite默认不支持使用CommonJS模块规范中的require函数进行模块导入。以下是针对这个问题的详细解答: 1. 确认用户遇到的问题环境 由于Vite主要用于前端开发,特别是在构建Vue、React等现代前端框架的项目时,因此这...
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'; import viteTsconfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths'; import svgrPlugin from 'vite-plugin-svgr'; import { viteCommonjs, esbuildCommonjs } from '@originjs/vite-plugin-commonjs'; import requireTransform from 'vi...
当我使用vite-plugin-electron插件后,运行vite build 那些通过React.lazy引入的文件,变成了使用 require 进行了导入 const Home = React.lazy(() => import("./home")); 这在浏览器中无法工作 当注释这段代码后打包,代码可以正常的在浏览器中运行了
caoxiemeihaoclosed this ascompletedFeb 9, 2023 caoxiemeihaomentioned this issueFeb 14, 2023 __dirname is not definedelectron-vite/electron-vite-react#107 Closed Sign up for freeto join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?Sign in to comment...
And also this one is myvite.config.tsfile code import{defineConfig}from"vite";importreactfrom"@vitejs/plugin-react";exportdefaultdefineConfig({plugins: [react()], }); Please anyone help me to fix this issue... Pleasesign inorcreate an accountto participate in this conversation....
描述你的问题 使用react-dom时,webpack打包后浏览器报错: 贴上相关代码 使用react-dom的代码如下: {代码...} 贴上报错信息 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined 贴上相关截图 报错的截图 出错的代...
While deploying a vite-react app in Netlify I am getting white screen and require not defined error. I tried removing "type":"module" from packag.json file.enter image description here I was expecting to deploy my website in Netlify. javascript reactjs deployment vite netlify Share Improve th...
I tried to host my first Vite/react website on netlify. first time it got error of mime type but after some time i get another error that says "require is not defined". How can I solve this problem? P.s for the build command I used "CI=false Vite build" and I also have imp...