Alright, let's start with the basics. Therequirefunction is like a helpful friend who fetches stuff for you. It's part of the CommonJS module system, which is Node.js's way of organizing code. But here's the kicker – it's not a built-in feature of JavaScript and is not recognized...
今天在应用 node.js 的时候突然报错了。 原来是node在升级之后,对 require 的使用方法发生了改变。从node.js 14版及以上版本中,require作为COMMONJS的一个命令已不再直接支持使用,所以我们需要导入createRequire命令才可以。 所以在使用 require 的时候只需要加入以下代码就可以了: import { createRequire } from 'm...
The error message "require is not defined" implies an error that involves a variable, a method, or a function, which has the name “require." Also, when users refer to a variable that does not exist; or have not initialized it in their current program scope, this error occurs. For exa...
node.js报错 ReferenceError: require is not defined 解决方案分享 今天在应用 node.js 的时候突然报错了,之前一直是好的呢,费了九牛二虎之力终于搞明白了。 原来是node在升级之后,对 require 的使用方法发生了改变。从node.js 14版及以上版本中,require作为COMMONJS的一个命令已不再直接支持使用,所以我们需要导入...
When getting the error in Node.js If you are getting the“ReferenceError: require is not defined”or “require-is-not-defined” error in Node.js, you probably either have set thetypeproperty tomodulein yourpackage.jsonfile or you are using therequire()function in the files that have a.mjs...
Electron已经发布了6.0正式版,升级后发现原来能运行的代码报错提示require is not defined 解决办法: 修改创建BrowserWindow部分的相关代码,设置属性webPreferences.nodeIntegration为 true letwin =newBrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { nodeIntegration:true} })
用browserify生成的js文件,在浏览器中引用后老报错, Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined 不知道是什么原因。
While working with Node JS, you might be familiar with the require() and sometimes, it shows error like Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined.
parallel(htmlCompress, scssCompile, cssCompress, jsCompress), gulp.parallel(watch, createServer) ); 主要修改的部分加了 browserify 和 vinyl-source-stream : const browserify = require('browserify'); const source = require('vinyl-source-stream'); const buffer = require('vinyl-buffer'); 修改了...
Electron已经发布了6.0正式版,升级后发现原来能运行的代码报错提示require is not defined 解决办法: 修改创建BrowserWindow部分的相关代码,设置属性webPreferences.nodeIntegration为 true let win = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true