Of the 143923 characters on Anime Characters Database, 4 are from the anime Requiem from the Darkness.
搜索 动画 角色 Quotes All Characters in Requiem from the Darkness Pic CV Romaji Japanese Furigana Aliases CV: Ryuusei Nakao Mataichi 又市 CV: Toshihiko Seki Momosuke Yamaoka 山岡百介 CV: Norio Wakamoto Nagamimi 長耳 CV: Sanae Kobayashi Ogin おぎん Links ...
Of the 144026 characters on Anime Characters Database, 7 are from the anime Bastard!!: Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy - Hell's Requiem.
There’s Music in the Night As the sun fades into memory and the world falls into darkness, the haunting notes of the danse macabre echo, calling the undead to play their nightly games. From turf wars in the streets to cutting remarks at society par
WikiMatrix Aprirono gli spartiti, il direttore diede la battuta, e, boom, si lanciarono nel Kyrie del Requiem di Mozart. They opened their scores, the conductor gave the downbeat, and boom, they launched into the Kyrie from the "Requiem" by Mozart. ted2019 Gli piaceva il vampiro ...
WikiMatrix They opened their scores, the conductor gave the downbeat, and boom, they launched into the Kyrie from the "Requiem" by Mozart. Abrieron sus partituras, el director les dio la señal y, zaz, se lanzaron al Kyrie del "Requiem" de Mozart. ted2019 Released the same year...
WikiMatrix I'm gathering information for the Requiem mass. Jag samlar information till requiem-mässan. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 They opened their scores, the conductor gave the downbeat, and boom, they launched into the Kyrie from the "Requiem" by Mozart. Dom öppnade sina partitur, di...
WikiMatrix They opened their scores, the conductor gave the downbeat, and boom, they launched into the Kyrie from the "Requiem" by Mozart. Aprirono gli spartiti, il direttore diede la battuta, e, boom, si lanciarono nel Kyrie del Requiem di Mozart. ted2019 "He liked the Vampire Le...
WikiMatrix They opened their scores, the conductor gave the downbeat, and boom, they launched into the Kyrie from the "Requiem" by Mozart. Aprirono gli spartiti, il direttore diede la battuta, e, boom, si lanciarono nel Kyrie del Requiem di Mozart. ted2019 "He liked the Vampire Le...